Archive for September 12, 2013

Little Bird

This was such a beautiful post that I thought I should share.

Mae's Day

I went to a baby shower yesterday.  The mother-to-be asked that we each bring our favorite book for her baby.  Mine is called Little Bird written by Germano Zullo.  It’s a story of a little bird who needs to be taught to fly. The funny part is you only know that by the illustrations. Without them, the story is a poem and I love the message.  I decided to write it out here for you.  The illustrations of the little bird and the man who helped it are also wonderful so you should buy the book if you like what you read.

Little Bird

Some days are different.
One could almost believe that one day is just like another.
But some have something a little more.
Nothing much.
Just a small thing.

Most of the time we don’t notice these things.
Because little things are not made to be…

View original post 991 more words

The Submission Process, In Reaction GIFs – Writer’s Relief, Inc.. I haven’t been to this stage yet, but I can see me of the future falling for all these steps. Enjoy?

The Scriptorium Daily.Is out!!

Dar49 Daily. Is out!!


Petualang Baru

Law that attracted me!

My transformation from outwardly rituals to internal mantra of sub conscious mind


unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

binge thinking and other things in life

How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...

مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

Wellness in our World

Navigating Health and Wellness in Today's World


System of thinking ( MIND )

Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.