Category: Awards

Sock on the right will be finished tomorrow. Hopefully, the left will be done by Monday.

Speaking of Monday, my first cataract surgery is happening at 12:55pm. I’m nervous and excited.

Will I finish this weekend? I hope so.

The writing is doing okay. The memory not so much. I took the readers through all my 11 houses the first couple years of my married life in my twenties. I suddenly remembered a room that my mother-in-law help me rescue but I couldn’t remember which home it was in. Suddenly I realized I had left out the first home we bought. There was the room!

May has gotten off on quite the path! May Day, May the Fourth Be With You, Cinco de Mayo, not a flower or margarita in sight. Tons of winds and a little rain.

Making a goal of editing is tough. It seems especially difficult with our current situation. When I started CampNaNo and decided to edit through 25K words I thought that was a lot. But last night I surpassed my goal and yet have another 25K to go through. So I am making another goal on the CampNaNo website. Still it was miraculous for ME to finish my goal at the half month stage. I had hoped to get some writing done this month but that rewrite and finish to the story will have to be put off until May. The thing is, meandering through the Pandamapocalypse document looking for grammar and spelling issues I am seeing bits that mean to be rewritten, eliminated, or simply moved to different parts of the story. Best of all, maneuvering around within the plot and overall manuscript makes me happy. I still like the idea of the book and how it is going. I sure hope someday to let others enjoy the fun I have had with all of my Haven series including this latest issue.

The magic of Hulu has kept me sane lately. If you want a background show that is funny or ignorable, watch Staged with David Tenet and Michael Sheen. Warning this may have strong language. As I said, this plays excellent in the background and doesn’t demand my attention like music.

I just finished watching all of Staged and left Hulu on and it put on Miranda. I have watched that series before and I loved it so much! This second watch is mirth incarnate!

For my fellow Grey’s Anatomy friends: Does Ellen Pompeo have the best job ever? Meredith Grey gets to sleep or be on the beach with old friends. And being paid for it! I want to be her when I grow up!

I am so happy with the way Shonda Rhimes is handling the COVID19 crises and how the emergency medical teams are dealing with all that is happening these days.

Okay that is all I can find swirling around in my mind to meander.


One Thousand! 20190304

I am excited and humbled:

Thank every one of you!! ❤

Sunshine Bloggers Award

Wow! Thank you, Sadja for nominating me for the

Sunshine Bloggers Award

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them. ✔️
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.✔️
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions. ( 5 questions and 6 nominations only) 🔵
  4. Notify the nominees about it on one of their own posts.✔️
  5. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.✔️

Sadje’s Questions to me:

What is the best thing about blogging?

There are several good reasons to blog. And rather than choose just one, I will share a couple. I love making new friends around the world. And I love the chance to write.

Have you written or plan to write a book? If so what is your genre?

I have lost count of the novels I have written. I think I have 13. I’ve written them for NaNoWriMo, either in November or inventing my own month. They are mostly sci-fi/fantasy. They were fun until the time to edit. I am horrid at getting that done.

Do you make life seriously or are you a happy-go-lucky person?

I used to be rather Pollyanna about things. I still mostly lean to the optimistic viewpoint. But lately, seriousness attacks me and threaten depression. I do have clinical depression but most meds don’t help. I have to work on it when I feel it coming in. Though there is plenty to be discouraged about, lack of sunshine can get to me. Thank goodness we have had a few sunny days to go and sit outside and absorb that vitamin D.

Do you believe in coincidence or you think everything is predestined?

I think the answer is somewhere in between. Though I have been a Tarot Card reader for a long time and even did it for a very short time for pay. I just felt that folks relied on it so much they didn’t mind spending their hard earned money just to find out if they would soon get rich. I did feel it worked well as a counseling device. I could use a card to find out what was hurting the client and help them find ways to work on that in their lives. But very few clients used that. They called often and wouldn’t try to get out of their own way. What that told me was that if something seemed coincidental too often you are drawing it to yourself by thinking on it a lot. And nothing is predestined that a thought process can’t pull you out. If you think all is doom and gloom and you look around and can prove it is, you have brought that to yourself. There are many books about manifesting. Yes, it is hard to do–until it isn’t.

Closing your eyes and imagine yourself in a place you have always wanted to visit. Where are you?

I miss the beach. Any beach. I miss being out on the ocean. We got to go on a cruise to Alaska once. Never would have thought this Southern California girl would like that cold. But I loved it. I figure it was the water that was made my inner mermaid happy.

Bloggers I would like to present this award to:

Well, here is where I will break the rules. I’ve gotten all the way to this part of awards before. I love all the blogs I follow. I have a hard time narrowing it down. And then people hesitate to accept because of this same reason. So here is what I’d like. If you want to accept this award, please let me know. If you want some questions to answer choose mine or follow the blog chain back and find a few you really have a desire to answer. I know everyone is busy right now, especially if you are trying to keep up with Just Jot It January.


Congratulations to you all. I hope that you guys can accept this and pay it forward, but if not you can give it a pass altogether or you can just answer the questions. Your call. If anyone feels able to answer my questions, please do.





Woo Hoo!

50, 422 and still need to write an ending. Then editing! LOTS of editing!

So I not only finished my first edit for Haven, I started on my next revision. Maybe there is hope? It’s funny because I wrote this so long ago that as I read I got excited as I go to parts I had forgotten about. I used this last round to use Grammarly. I know that doesn’t fix it all but it makes it more legible. There will be more writing to get it the way I think it will read the best. But I have to be careful as I have written 12 (at least) books on this series so I don’t want to stray too far away.

I have put the whole thing as it is now in WattPad. I would love some constructive critiques, either on that page or here or send an email if you choose. There are places I need the questions asked or gentle shoves in right directions.

Bragging Rights

My new NetGalley badges:
25 Book Reviews

Reviews Published

Professional Reader

Bragging Rights

Hello Darlene,

1459554269 1459554269 goodreads misc

In our community of readers, you stand out in a notable way: You’re one of the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads!

With every rave and every pan, with every excited GIF and every critical assessment, you’ve helped the Goodreads community get closer to a very important milestone – the 50 Million Reviews mark! Check out the fun infographic we made to celebrate!

You’ve written 1100 reviews since joining Goodreads on January 22nd, 2008. Out of all the reviews you’ve written, this is the review that got the most attention:


Darlene Milner rated a book it was amazing

May 2, 2009 1:37 PM

3393124. uy105
Max (Maximum Ride, #5)
by James Patterson
I so want to be Angel!!!!! I loved this book the most. I hope James is working on number six. The trouble with such captivating fast reads is the hunger for more of the same!

Reading reviews by book lovers like you is one of our favorite things on Goodreads. Thank you for helping other readers find a good (or avoid a not-so-good!) book.

Keep reading (and reviewing!)

1459554702 1459554702 goodreads misc

Co-Founders of Goodreads

A while back I got a big surprise from a blogger I admire for art and blogging against the odds. Thank you:


This is a special award to someone who still thinks of herself as a newbie. I’m part of the family!!! 🙂

Smile! You’re at the best site ever



Thank you, again, mcsirishart.

Then, as if I shouldn’t gloat or just enjoy the glow, the very next day after receiving the nomination, I fell into a fibro-flare. In spite of that, I have gradually put together a list of some of my favorite blogging sites to nominate. It was very difficult to decide. That said, here are the

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family
4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them.
5. That is it!

And here are some of the many blogs that have inspired and encourage me in no particular order: 


Congratulations to you all!

Versatile Blogger Award

This was a shock! It was two weeks ago and I have had to work on getting this blog just right to start nominating 15 amazing blogs. So here it is. I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. Wow!

Thank you:



1 Add the award logo to your blog.

2 Thank and link back to the person who awarded you.

3 State 7 things about yourself.

4 Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and include a link to their site and tell them that you have nominated them.



My, my! What will I say about myself that I haven’t already shared?

Have I mentioned that I have watched Game of Thrones 1-3 seasons so many times I can’t count and I am nearly finished with my second read-through.

I collect dragons. And they demand to be in my novels.

If Dragon Naturally Speaking came with a cone of silence I would use it for everything!

Blogging is so much fun! I love meeting all the people and seeing what countries they are from! The world doesn’t seem so large anymore.

Retirement (for my husband, disability for me) makes me an adolescent again. My husband and I stay up all hours and sleep in til noon or later.

I hate my mouse-brown hair. I like the gray. I hate shoulder length hair. So… growing and going back to blonde!

My favorite thing to do is laugh!

And here are my nominees:


I just couldn’t decide, there are so many blogs out there I love! Congratulations all!






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