Category: Movies/TV

My new diamond painting is started.

The foreground is started.
Nearly finished with the arch of these socks.
Beginning the arch on these socks.

Because of watching

I’ve added Chinese to my Duolingo lineup. I highly recommend this show. Not a movie but a series. My husband and I couldn’t stop the binge.

I’m trying to find a way to put my biggest guilt trips here.  The end of the month is looming. Two goals haven’t even been touched. I haven’t edited anything. Nor have I worked on my read-alouds or podcast. Finding privacy and time seems the biggest issue. Nor have I touched the real piano. Boo! Next month is Camp NaNo. I have no idea what I’m doing. And so I’m Muddling my mind.

Time for uke and recorders and roll up keyboard.

Didn’t finish much this week.

Tomorrow I’ll start the arch of the foot.
Arch is done. Now I’m going to learn the Fishlip heel. I will run a rescue line just in case something goes wrong. At least I won’t have to tear everything out.
I’m almost halfway done.
Yeah. Laundry needs to be folded before I can go to bed.
I’m loving watching this the second time around. So fun, but attacks issues we should think about.

I so hoped I’d be finished today but my back started hurting so I had to quit. But look how close!

Just the fin and head of under turtle, and a tiny bit of sea.

And, so close on this pair of socks. Just the cuff. So, again, probably tomorrow.

I hope these are size 7.

Toes done, now ready for that comfy arch part.

These will be small. I hope to try the fishlip heel on these. I’m told it is easy. If not I’ll tink back and do the Fleegle Heel. It’s so easy.

While Diamond Painting I enjoyed zooming with friends or listening to The Mammoth Hunters. While knitting, I have been enjoying The Flight Attendant. (A comedy, thriller yeah, more thriller.)

Sans popcorn this time.

February must be fading away as the flounder doesn’t seem so large.

I bet fellow flounder thinks sea turtles fly!

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “watch.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Watch this; I will meander all over the place during this session and find myself right here. Meanwhile, I spent a lot of time on Duolingo. Sometimes I just can’t stop. Sometimes I just can’t. Ya know? Word order is the hardest part of all the languages.

While doing things that take a brain, I usually put on something I nearly have memorized just to have a place to look farther away than arm’s length. I can’t do music as I get too involved in the music and get nothing done. So this time is another run at the Walking Dead. I am always surprised at the wisdom of the writer of how humans respond to scary things. The show has never been about the monsters. It is about how people react to each other and find their own tribe. Or think they have until it is proven that that tribe doesn’t exist.

A while ago, while my husband was in here with me we were watching The Chosen. I am very surprised at how much I like it. It is not for everyone. But then I loved Jesus Christ Superstar, and my mother found it offensive. I think it is like the people in The Walking Dead. Our tribes show up, and even within our tribes, things show that, in the end, our views are our own. We can only agree where we can and find others that fit with other parts of ourselves.

If we feel the need to nap, and since I love to read after midnight, I often need a nap, I put on some animal show. Dogs 101 found my restful place, and I woke wishing for my new canine friend.

So many uses for one word. My husband has a watch that tells him his blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. I had one, but the sensor burned my skin. But I am smiling now as I think of Dick Tracy.

No flying cars yet, but Rosy, the Roomba robot, vacuums our house, and we have these watches that are telephones!

And now I am tired of Floundering.

Back to knitting.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

From Linda’s Prompt: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “something that closes.” Write about the first thing that pops into your head that closes. Enjoy!
Closing of an era and opening of the next. For a couple weeks, I have been watching The Doctor (From Chris Eccleston through Jodie Wittaker). That way, I’d be ready for this morning’s special. It’s on Disney Plus if you want to see it. I watched the previous Whos on Max.
My son has been letting us watch his Complete Farscape collection for the past month. That ended for us today. Another door closes.

And Now:

Though he has the movies, we couldn’t wait; we went on Amazon Prime to find the movies.

But when this ends, I am going to have that loose ends feeling. What next? Suggestions?

Finishing Friday

Three pairs of socks at different stages. Mostly Chiaogoo  red-laced TAAT Toe-up. The pink socks are on Knitter’s Pride Royal. (Hate! can’t wait to get a better set!)
Hat in progress
Solitrax. My partner watching the Jodie Wittaker Doctor Who. Getting ready for tomorrow.
Still have 800 to add tonight (370 done at the moment)

One Liner Wednesday

Does one get a badge for living through Firefly Lane? You’re crying, I’m not crying? 😭

Part of Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday.

Theater Thursday

My husband and I love to watch shows about animals or nature, especially on the weekends. Veterinarian shows are our go to to have on while writing or other jobs that we need the visual distraction to rest our eyes on when looking up.

Somehow weekends have become weekdays. Today we were watching zoo shows or one about elephants. The thing I do remember was it was on National Geographic. Suddenly we looked up and it was a documentary about Patagonia. It’s called Wild Life. I loved it.

While we were watching that my friend IMed me about a show she enjoyed on Tubi called Restart the Earth. I thought it would be similar. But no. Still I’m enjoying a disaster movie that reminds me of The Last of Us.

What have you been watching?

A to Z Challenge, H

How has this day escaped me? Ooh! Look at that, without even trying, I’ve used the letter! I usually do Make It or Made It Monday, but I just put all the projects away. And, yes, that was what kept me busy. The slipper socks I was making for me were disturbingly messed up. So I had to tink back down past the boo-boos. It was slow and boring, so I watched Knives Out and the Glass Onion while ripping the slipper to a workable place. Hey, those were fun! I didn’t expect to like them. I don’t like murder mysteries. But these are about a lot more than murder. Unfortunately, you have to rent Knives Out from Amazon. But you don’t need to watch Knives Out to watch Glass Onion.

This evening I decided I needed something in the background. I absolutely hate this show for all the intrigue and meanness. But the music is so captivating that I couldn’t help myself but buy the sheet music and hope to try to play it someday.

Somehow I need to get the area around my piano open so I can play again. Right now, it is holding the broken treadmill that we still haven’t gotten the people to do what they should about it.

Happy Monday!

Finishing Friday

This is my fourth pair of the Beginner Sock. I bought the pattern at my local yarn shop, Willows. But you can find this and other pattern from Knitting Pure and Simple
Here is her Ravelry page: Knitting Pure and Simple. I decided to try this heel on the pair below.
So I started (over and over) this pair in an attempt to learn to work cuff down on HiyaHiya Fliers. I was using the following YouTube.
My problem was my ADD and this heel were not playing nicely. You see, the stitches on the heel were *slip stitch as if to purl, knit* for a row. Turn then purl the whole row. My hands couldn’t remember which row they were on. So I used the above heel by Knitting Pure and Simple and it’s kind of working.
The heel is turned, the gusset is shaped and now I’m on to the foot.
At this stage the heel makes me think of the mouth of a hand puppet. Which gives me an idea for a future project.
This is my favorite pair. The Caron yarn is soft. The ChiaoGoo red-lace circulars, US 6 make these so much easier on my hands and brain. For this and the next two pairs I’m using the following YouTube
The yarn and needles for this and the next pair are thin and a little more wearing on my hand but their getting done!
I just started this pair (again) today so the toe is only a few rows done. I’m loving the color and feel of the yarn, it’s just a bit thin so it’ll take a bit to get done.

We just finished Star Trek Discovery. You know you loved it when you’re crying and laughing at the end!

Four seasons. My son says 5 is coming, but I think it ended well on 4.

What doesn’t seem to have a finish is what I’m calling Sprinter.

Our only other season is trying to start: Summer, Fire season.
The World Through My Glasses

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Stitches by the Sea

Welcome to my blog. I live, knit, crochet, spin and craft near the Northumbrian Coast (but not too near - the waves won't be splashing my yarn!).There's a story in every stitch, every grain of sand, every blade of grass. I thought I'd blog about it...

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