Archive for September, 2023

A prompt from Linda for Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: starts with “hum.” Find a word that starts with “hum” or use the word “hum” itself. Send your bonus points to Dan at if you use both. Enjoy!

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Humble. That’s how I feel. And Wow!

When I had to leave Reno to pursue a less expensive place to live, I had to leave my adult children. Not that we got to see each other often. We didn’t see each other frequently, with all of them working and pursuing their own lives. But at least we knew we could get together for a quick cup of coffee or tea if needed. We did get to spend the holidays together and birthdays. Now six hours away and with weather issues, we find Zoom and instant Messaging but mostly phone our way to keep in touch. I miss them. One son had to come to live with us, making it a little easier.

Then, my daughter moved to Wisconsin. Yikes! That is a long way from the Oregon Outback. And with a truck that works for the short drives, Wisconsin is too long to drive without fear of breaking down. We manage food, mortgage, and small bills on our social security. But anything else is above our abilities. I’d love to be able to get a small job, but my health can’t do that right now, and neither can my husband’s. And as my brother and son have found, there are no jobs in this desert. So we do the best we can with what we have.

Then I learned that my daughter and her husband are getting married. I longed to be able to be there. Especially when she said they were doing a costume wedding in Halloween fashion. It seems like it would be so fun! I picture something like this:

Photo by T Leish on, not my daughter or her groom. I have no idea what they will wear.

One son is pulling out the stops to fund my live-in son and me to fly to and from the visit and wedding. As I mentioned, flight son is six hours away. There is no airport near here. The nearest is two and a half hours away. That would have made an eight-and-a-half-hour drive for him. I nearly gave up. It seemed impossible.

That’s when my friend volunteered. She wanted to visit again before the snow and freezes start in earnest as Fall rolls in. She is coming up as of tomorrow. We will visit, and then she will drive my son and me back to her place in Reno. We will spend a day or so there.

The flight is at 6 AM, and we must be at the airport at 3. That means a night of no sleep. You know I can’t fall asleep before 3ish. So that won’t be the problem. Flight son will pick us up at my friend’s, and the next adventure begins.

Now, more of the humble pie, as if I didn’t feel so grateful for the flights and drives received. The only thing I could figure out would be to stay with my daughter and her new husband once I was there. That’s not so great. The honeymooners would probably not want to have Mom and brother underfoot, ya know? They’re only human! But I certainly didn’t want to put the financial burden on the son footing the flights and drive home.

That’s when the groom’s mother jumped in and became another hero in this story. Not only is she covering catering and heating (the wedding and party will be outdoors to keep it anti-covidy. The groom has health issues that would make it deadly for him. Anyway, she found and is funding a couple bed and breakfast homes for a couple of us in this wedding party. Both are near the lake. I cried when I heard that. She said she knew how much it would mean to my daughter and me for us to be there. I can’t wait to give her a massive hug of thanks if allowed.

Back to the end of the wedding week in Wisconsin, the flight son has the return flight set up. Unfortunately, they could only get a flight to Portland. That’s five hours north of us. That means the flight son will have to rent another car to drive us home. Then, another six hours back to Reno.

Maybe for some of you, this isn’t much. Doing all the finances would be, well, doable. Perhaps leaving your husband and brother behind would be easy, or you would be able to bring them with you. My husband can’t fly. It would have had to be a car or train for him. My brother, again, with no income, can’t afford to go, and we are already taxing our family and friends’ finances. They are not rich by a long shot. Besides, who would stay and take care of the chickens and cats? So that’s where I feel more humbleness. They are both being so kind and selfless in making sure I don’t feel the guilt of leaving them behind. I know I will miss them. We’ll probably spend hours on the Zooms or Instant Messaging. I’ll try to take a lot of pictures.

Now for the exciting, fun things. I’ve made the witch’s hat (pics here and here). I bought a cheap wig that I’m still working on to make it more me.

It’s from Amazon

I’ve given her bangs and will rat her up for the witch costume, then brush her out and use her as needed. I plan to trim my own hair and purple up before I leave.

I have some black broom skirts to wear, one as a skirt and the other I will slice up and make into a cape. I’ll take pics when there. Even I don’t know how it will all look. I’ll take as many pics of the area and the fun as possible. I don’t want to involve names or faces that don’t want to be on the internets.

Speaking of pics. The afghan is nearly finished. I need to make a trim around the edges to prevent curling. I’ll try to post that later in the week.

And that reminds me. It will be a busy couple of weeks. I will try to post as much as I can. But I may still miss a few days. That disappoints me, I’m sure, more than it disappoints you. I do my Duolingo and blogging every day. Whereas I have 1,520 days on Duo, I am only on day 118 on the blog. That is because I post after the languages. Often, I don’t get to the publish part until after midnight. 😒 I know I should do a bunch of blogs ahead, but I find I can’t. I feel like it is like a journal for me, so I like to hit it daily, and when I’m done, I’m done. I do have a couple ‘freezes’ set up on the Duo.

So there you have it. Let’s all hum the wedding march in minor key. But enjoy this, too.

Sense and SensibilitySense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I know others will see my rating and be quite disgusted. But I read all the Thomas Hardy books in my twenties, and I think I got this romantic type of male-dominated society books out of my system. The writing is musical, presenting a nice break in plain talk and low vocabulary flow.

I wonder if I had a more modern, popular reader, if I would have loved it more? I just didn’t enjoy Victoria McGee’s interpretation much. /

Back in the day, and we don’t have to go back as far as Jane Austin’s time, how about the era of Billie Jean King? Getting a wealthy man was the main goal for a female. Even when I read the Thomas Hardy books, I still thought that way. It was taught to me by my church, family, and society, but now, having lived 73 years, I think all of that was a waste. Women should have spent as much time growing our minds and independent abilities as menfolk.

Still, reading historical novels reminds us of a time gone by. Different thoughts, fashions, and inventions prevailed. Mostly, this book makes me thankful we live now.

View all my reviews

Funny Friday

My inner Snoopy likes to try and take over my exercises, too!

One-Liner Wednesday

My husband demonstrates the one panel added.

Lots more to do before this gets wrapped and posted.

Still No Pictures

I’ve been crocheting as much and as far as I can while still trying to not strain the arthritis. The last panel is now as long as me but needs to be 6 foot. So 7 more inches. Then sew it all together and trim to unify the whole thing . The thing about Tunisian Crochet is that it likes to curl. The only way I can think of to de-curl is add a trim in the back side.

Well back to work. It won’t hook itself!

Music Monday Musings

My husband shared this with me on Facebook.🎵🎶🎼😀

Acorna's World (Acorna, #4)Acorna’s World by Anne McCaffrey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I can’t believe it! I finally finished reading an actual hardback book. Of course, it’s Anne McCaffrey. I started it on February 13, 2020, and finished two days ago. I have tracking issues and find paper books hard to follow. I have always had this problem, but since my 60s, it has been far harder. I’m thankful to be alive when we have Kindle Text-to-Speech or Audible. And anyone who knows me, I am addicted to reading. I was the girl who had to check out 10 (the limit) books every time I went to the library. And the library and bookstores are still my favorite places. But if I take it slow, I can get through a book.

This is book 4 of the Acorna series. I love most of the characters. RK the cat is the best. I am most disappointed that the series dedicated to the Unicorn Girl seems to be far less of her than everyone else. I would love more about Granddam. But maybe as the series continues, I will find more of what I want from the Unicorn people.

I have been fortunate to have most of Anne McCaffrey’s books in the first edition. This one was not, and neither are the next couple. But I will buy the hardbacks to keep reading “real” books. Meanwhile, I did pick up the Kindle version from Libby. With a trip coming up, I have to save my pennies. But next month, I will buy hardback #5.

By the way, I think Anne McCaffrey’s writing doesn’t age. It is so current, no matter what is going on here. Try them!

View all my reviews

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “Last/Lest/List/Lost.” Use them in any form you like. Use one, use two or use them all. Bonus points if you use all four. I’ll chip in extra bonus points if you use the word formed from the missing vowel in a well mannered way, but behave yourselves lest you lose all you bonus points… Enjoy!

Thanks Linda for the prompt. Thank you Dan of No Facilities for helping us out on this Stream of Consciousness Saturday

Lest you all think I don’t have an Afghan to finish, let me list what still needs to be done.

1. Finish the last panel. I got nearly one third finished as of this moment. It’s going fast but may not get done today. Let’s hope I do.

2. Sew the panels together.

3. Put on an anti-curl trim.

4. Find pretty paper and a card.

5. Mail to the happy couple.

Let’s hope my fingers and back hold out. I don’t usually set a deadline on my projects. But this one is important. If I don’t get it done by Monday, all is not lost. But having the looming date helps me stay focused.

Still no picture. I promise before I mail it to capture the image.

So, back to work for me.

Happy Fall!

Friday’s Funny

Thanks, Chris!❤️

Just a Quick Update

No picture because 6 feet of one panel and nearly 6 feet of one side panel is too wobbly to hold up. So stay tuned. I hope to have the Afghan finished by Monday. Wish me luck! Taking Advil and getting back to work.

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