Archive for June, 2022

Thursday the Thirtiest ;-D

JunoWriMo is done as of today. I reached my lesser goal of 15K words added to my memoir, Moving. After two months of writing, I have accumulated 55,394 words, and I still have much more to write about. I don’t know how many of you have written a memoir, but it is far different for me than fiction. I just wrote the word friction and laughed. Yeah, either way, the writing is about friction. So my next part, I will make a new goal for CampNaNo and see how far it takes me.

I am trying to keep it about me, this book. That sounds selfish, but it is the only way I can keep from throwing others under a bus, of sorts. Did they do me wrong? Yeah. But many have grown, and many have left this plane of existence. So I am just trying to claim my own issues and experiences without awfully implicating others. Still, there are some that I haven’t figured out how to tell the story without the other person involved.

At the same time, I want to use this writing as a memory enhancer or therapy session. So I will have to remove names to protect the innocent or those who need their anonymity,

Just to give an idea as to how far into my life I’ve written, I am on the thirteenth move, I am well into my forties, and my oldest is now a young adult. So there are another thirty-something years to write about. Though this second half of life isn’t nearly as full of excitement, agitation, or losses as the first half.

The biggest fun I have had writing this is trying to tour through the homes as I get to that part of my life. It amazes me what I remember and what I have forgotten. It’s nice to pick my adult children’s brains for details I might have forgotten, and if not theirs, my brother’s. And then there’s that weird thing that happens. Every person recalls an incident differently, sometimes widely different than each other. That Mandela effect plays strongly on all of us. Heck, that plays a part when you send two people to the store with grocery lists, and they come home with none of the essential items.

But then we hardly agree on what day of the week, right? Hence, Linda G. Hill’s What Day Is It Anyway prompt. Several times today it has been Saturday. Other times it feels like a Monday. Maybe it is due to the long trip to Redmond we had to take on Tuesday. That has screwed up the space-time continuum for me this week.

Back to the writing. I think I will set up my CampNaNo goal for 15k more. That will allow for some special things I am planning for this month. I get to see family and friends! Yay!

Does anyone know if Linda G. Hill is still doing the Escapist Coloring prompt still? I have a page colored I could share tomorrow.

Happy Friday Eve!

One-Liner Wednesday

Found on Facebook. I totally agree!

Join the One-Liner Wednesday fun. Thanks Linda!

Wind and SilkWind and Silk by Alice Ivinya
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My friend wrote a lovely review of this book. I went to Amazon and saw the Kindle version was only $.99, so I picked it up. Today I found myself in need of a distraction. We were on a bus on the way to the ophthalmologist. Though the drive isn’t as bad for me as it used to be, this bus was killing me. This bus enhanced every bump in the road. So I went looking for a distraction. Since I didn’t have Kindle downloaded on my phone, I found my music on Spotify to get me by. I downloaded the Kindle at the next wifi spot so I would have something to read on the way home.

I found listening difficult with the bus noise, so I hoped reading would work for my newly decataracted eyes. Guess what? I read a whole book without text-to-speech or Audible! Okay, it isn’t very long. I finished it on the way home (less than two hours).

So I got to go to the land of dragons. I assume it was Japan. The main character was being married off for family prestige in the way it used to be, and let’s hope not coming back around. But will Fangying’s disabilities hold her back? Will her new husband beat her?

The story is gracefully told. I found it just what I needed for the painful drive. And I am so happy to have read, with my eyes, a whole book! Fantastic magic and dragons, too!

View all my reviews

A Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War IIA Woman of No Importance: The Untold Story of the American Spy Who Helped Win World War II by Sonia Purnell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Juliet Stevenson (Narrator) kept this story alive. I felt I was right in the moment with Virginia Hall as she attempted to end the war on her own, seeing that few men could do what this poor, disabled woman could.

This book was written very well. I often find nonfiction biographies boring and stilted. The author was able to write this with the urgency of a fictional spy thriller.

In this day of women losing rights, this will strengthen your determination to keep everyone free. This was a true American who happened to be a woman. Please read it if you have the chance.

View all my reviews

Loose Ends Make Plarn

After sealing one of my dragon diamond paintings, I found a need to do something while listening to my newest Libby. I remembered a few years before we moved I had gathered plastic bags. I took the time to fold them so they would be ready to start cutting the strips. Today seemed like a good day to get some plarn going. Here’s my process.

Here’s the plastic bag folded.
Cut off handles.
And bottom.
A stack of bags detopped and debottomed.
Tops and bottoms heading for the trash.
Lined up folded bags under strip cutter. I run the rotary blade up an inch apart.
This creates a bunch of flat loops ready to link up.
Loop one opened
Create this knot by placing loop B over loop A. Reach under the conjunction. Pull end of loop B under loop A and through the middle of loop B. Now gently pull. This creates a little knot.

Keep looping and soon there is a ball of plarn to knit or crochet

I still have a lot of bags to process into plarn. Unlike when I first started recycling plastic bags, when bags needed to be recycled, now there are fewer bags due to laws. So I’m planning to be more conservative with what I have.

I’ll let you know how I decide to use my new plarn.

Happy Sunday!

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

Linda G. Hill prompts us thus:   

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “product/produce.” Use one, use them both, use them any way you’d like. Bonus points if you use both. Have fun!

Being the product of our parents, does that make us produce? Asking for a friend.

So unfortunately the lighthouse is finished. My next project won’t be here until Wednesday. I’m at loose ends. Meanwhile, I still need to straighten, seal and hang it.

I finally hung the tea dragon on the tea cabinet. My phone camera was being weird.  It looks far better than this.

I’m nearing my goal on my memoir for Junowrimo.

Look! Only 367 until 50k! Oh yeah. Snap! That wasn’t the goal for June. 55,100 is the goal. I think I can…
Sock number one is nearly done. Probably finishing it tomorrow.
I know we can!

A Plague of ZombiesA Plague of Zombies by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am going to give this another listen later. I feel I lost something or that it ended far too soon.

I love reading about Lord John. His sense of morality, committed to doing the right thing, propels him more than other men you might read about. He cares deeply and wants to save lives and hearts/

The narrator isn’t as fun as Davina Porter and I think she could have done this book. But Jeff Woodman does a good job keeping the story going.

If you are on an Outlander binge you can’t quit, here is one to help give you your fix.

View all my reviews

One-Liner Wednesday

One-Liner Wednesday is brought to us by Linda G. Hill.

When in the history of “Wait here” has the person charged with this demand actually Waited Here?

I’m bingeing Stranger Things. Hopper tells Joyce this in season 3, just before the thug beats him up and Joyce saves his keister.


Tidbits Tuesday

Just a fun capture from Facebook to remember as I move back into music. First I need to laugh and have fun.

The World Through My Glasses

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Read, Look, Listen

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POD Designer and AI Art Enthusiast blogging about my Adventures online

Affiliate Revive

Empowering Your Affiliate Journey: From Strategy to Success

nicki does hair

Just a hairstylist helping you to MANEtain your luscious locks in the salon and at home!

Sunra Rainz

Poetry. Art. Photography. Musings.

The Mindful Migraine

I suffer from chronic migraine - at The Mindful Migraine blog I share some of the ideas that have helped - I hope they help you too.

Anthony's Literary Lens

Capturing life's moments, one frame at a time

The Astro Tree:- Complete Astrology Solution.

Get Advice About Love Problem Solution by The Astro Tree.


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Stitches by the Sea

Welcome to my blog. I live, knit, crochet, spin and craft near the Northumbrian Coast (but not too near - the waves won't be splashing my yarn!).There's a story in every stitch, every grain of sand, every blade of grass. I thought I'd blog about it...

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