Category: TV

Throw-Back Thursday

I know that Throw-Back Thursday is about pictures of ourselves in younger less dignified days, but the physical body only holds onto all the stuff our beings have been through our whole lives.

John Holton shares lots of music that I and other babyboomers remember with fondness on his blog. He mentioned Lloyd Thaxton the other day on The Sound of One Hand Typing. Regardless of the music I suddenly thought of the line that Lloyd Thaxton ended his show, “Always smile with your bottom teeth.” As happens often at my age I doubted my memory and needed to Google whether it was Lloyd … or maybe Soupy Sales.

I fell down the YouTube rabbit hole. My day was spent watching and laughing at the crazy Supman. A good place to get started is his biography.

My brother and my son and I watched and laughed so hard. At first, my son couldn’t remember Soupy. But I tried to explain that he was Pee Wee before there was Chairy. Finally, I just had to put the YouTubes on the TV. If you need a day to escape the crazies, this will do it!

Meanwhile, I searched all over for Lloyd Thaxton saying, “Smile with your bottom teeth!” That he ended his show with on occasion. That sent me down another memory rabbit hole. Remember this?

That was when I fell in love with Motown, and lipsyncing. What a fun show it was.

In my search, I learned that Lloyd passed in 2006. Maybe I knew and forgot? But it made me sad all over again.

By the way, Lloyd Thaxton had a blog. You can find it here.

What I’m Doing

Just change that to knitting/loom knitting. And don’t you feel like throwing things at the TV when this interrupts the flow? I gotta lay down in the middle of a count to pick up both remotes cause it is never the right one first. Then I have to go back and figure out what I was doing. Usually, that means I have to tink back a stitch or two. If only Netflix could see how counterproductive this is! Oh, and if I am using it to help me sleep, this wakes me back up. Can we sue for our own sanity? Please!

And back to the loom. See ya all soon!

The Hollywood DaughterThe Hollywood Daughter by Kate Alcott
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Thank you, NetGalley.

This was not one of my favorite books. Yet I couldn’t stop reading it. First of all the writing was well done. Second and more personal, I remember my dad pointing to Ingrid Bergman on the TV and telling me that she was his very favorite actress. I had to agree with him that she was beautiful and I loved how she spoke. I don’t know what the show was. Nor do I remember what she said or wore that impressed me.

I think I may be part of the target audience, Baby Boomer. I may be around the same age as the main character, Jessica Malloy, well, a little younger. I wasn’t born until, what chapter three or four? And I am a Southern California girl so the location references were personal for me.

And I remember an aunt talking to my mother and I like a Dutch uncle about communism. Mom didn’t say much. She usually had plenty to say, so I think this long lecture caught her off-guard.

So it was these personal notes that pulled me in and kept me reading. That and I wrote a teen-meeting-idol book in the sixties about meeting casually the Beatles. So I want to see how it happens to others who have idols in the entertainment industry.

More than that, it was fun watching Jessica grow into a young woman and ridding herself of the demons of growing up.

For me, though, this growing up angst is tiring. Who wants to go back and relive their teens? At least this girl wasn’t gaga about this guy and that. It was more about her family and her self -discovery.

I may have to find an Ingrid Bergman movie or two to complete my experience. Others may love this book. But I stick with my three stars as it is better than some but not as good as others. I may actually forget it soon which is what brings it to a four or five-star rating. Try it. Let me know how you feel about it. Maybe I missed something? I do read using text-to-speech.

View all my reviews

Back in the day. We only had black and white television.I didn’t think about it much until Sheriff John would bring out his DiMaggio carrots in full black and whiteness. Sheriff John would cheerfully tell us that these orange beauties were so good for us because of the green tops. I knew what I was looking at was wrong. But of the children shows of my day, this show was one of my favorites. I can still sing all the words to his Happy Birthday song. I’m dedicating this song to Linda G. Hill whose birthday was yesterday.  And to my friend, Michele whose birthday is Friday. And I’m glad this is a tribute to a man who was part of the lives of Southern California kids in the 50s and 60s.

About the time of the Moon Landing July 16, 1969, we got out first colour TV.

For all the grey of the moon, that flag was in full colour. I could never go back. To this day I HATE the first part of  Wizard of Oz. I KNOW it represents the dullness of life prior to Dorothy’s adventure to the Emerald City.  Many people love the quaintness of noir or black and white movies but I’ll just stay home and read a book, thank you. B&W is BORING!

I’m so glad to live my life in Living Colour!


Of course, back then most of the shows were still about men. We’ve come a little way, baby.


Just Jot it January is Linda’a gift to us.

“Supernatural Snark” brought us the prompt: Colour. Here’s her link:


This is directly from Linda G. Hill’s blog:

Your prompt for January 14th, 2018, brought to you by a new-to-me blogger, Itinerary Planner, is “Ultimatum.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Itinerary Planner at her blog, “Travel Itineraries: Travel the World for Less” (sounds good to me!) to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:

I think of myself as a rather peaceful person. But I have a serious rebel side. And to see that an ultimatum is announced. ‘You will do this, be this, or ___ will happen.’ You know often _____ is often a better result than complying. In fact, it has often been life-changing.

I spent all day trying to tell the story to back it up but I can’t without involving someone else and I don’t want to do that. Well, and I have had one shiny thing after another today. But I think I made my point.

Has anyone watched Pirates 5? That was one of my distractions today. Talk about ultimatums! Oh, and we started the series Disjointed. FUN! I needed the laughs that came from that.

Another distraction, my 44-year-old son is coming to live with us this next weekend. Now I have to clear out a room for him and figure out a lot of logistics. If you could climb into my head right now, you would see a knotted bunch of yarn trying to break out!

#AtoZChallenge– B

Bad Guy, Bullie, Bastard. No, not a political statement. Could be, but…

Coming up to yesterday, I looked forward to the Walking Dead season finale. Hubby stated the obvious wish, “Can’t wait to see the end of Negan!”

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From the first time I saw him on the show I’ve yelled, “Cut his ‘L’ vad wire!” Fans of Grey’s Anatomy will understand. What I just learned is: LVAD stands for Left Ventricular Assistance Device. Thank you, Google!

But I knew Negan would not be dead at the end of this show. Negan still hasn’t told us his story. How did he become so bad? How did he start his band of Negans? When in the face of such a bullie, how can the average person live positively and not become the same kind of bad? The writer in me knows that is necessary. AND who wants to lose Jeffrey Dean Morgan?

The best stories are those where we get to know characters deeply, even the bad guys.

Still, I cried at the Sasha Williams part. Sonequa Martin was amazing!!!! I will miss her.

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She is such a beauty and quite the actress!

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And she is one of the Badass Bitches of TWD!

The other two in this picture are Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) on the right and Michonne (Danai Gurira) in the middle. There are other strong fems in this show but these may be my favs.

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Sasha Badass Bitch to the end!!!!

Thank goodness for the Talking Dead that helps me heal after gruesome scenes.

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That’s Chris Hardwick. Love him @Nerdist and his mother @NerdistMom!

In case you didn’t notice, this was part of the A to Z Challenge 


Please come and join the fun!

Hey, quit judging! Retired/folks on disability like Fridays, too. No, it isn’t the relief you worker bees find. But there is a rhythm to our quieter lives. Friday starts with alarm in my house. Usually, me, worried about getting the trash out to the curb on time. Like this morning.

Last week we were still asleep at 11 AM. With hubby’s shoulder pain and my fibro pain, sleep is hard to come by. So when I woke I knew they had already come. They usually get here while we’re watching the View. Good thing we recorded it. I took out the trash hoping this would be a late week for them. Nah.

So this week we had two weeks of trash to get rid of. I was up at 8. Hubby was still asleep. I think my brother was, too. He’s the only working one and has to keep regular hours, so when hubby’s and my non-sleeping take over, bro suffers. So I felt chosen to do the job. It isn’t impossible and Kali loves it very much. She is so good as when I actually leave the yard to put the can to what would be a curb if we had non-dirt streets, she stays right in our yard and waits for me.

That over I could relax. Make my breakfast yam and tea, then settle with the morning line up. The truck came right on time and took the extra bag. For three people we make a lot of trash!

I am not one of those people who thinks television is evil or a waste of time. It is cheaper than any pill a doctor could give me for pain. I can get lost in a good science show or news show or drama. My writing needs to see the results of other people’s writing. My favorite shows are on Thursday. Yes, the Shonda Rhimes line up has been my favs for a long time. When I was working I knew when those shows were on that I was nearly done with my week. Now I just see them as too far apart. Especially with the cliffhangers of last night. Grey’s sister’s mom is dying of cancer!!! Then on Scandal: HUCK!!!!!! NO!!!

Oh, yeah, concentrating on Friday. The last day of patterned TV: Maybe Kelly (I hate that all morning programs are centered in New York!) But I can’t resist Whoopi and the View. Then the local news–mostly to see what our neighbors’ weather will be like. An hour of who knows? cause I’m busy then. The finally a west coast show, the Talk. Another hour of ‘I don’t know,’ as I’m busy. Then the MSNBC line up, except for Chris Matthews as he yells at everyone and isn’t respectful to his guests. But with Greta, we can play her show during his. Then the evening changes day by day.

Monday is Scorpion for sure. I am in awe of the writers of that show. They have a pat routine to their show: clever jokes, on edge of your seat scary (last weeks’ tram scene had me sweating!) and resolve to light bantering again. How do they suck me in? I know it isn’t real. I know how it is going to work. Yet I am drawn in from the beginning of each show. I don’t usually like formulaic writing.

In the evenings I am so busy with my Duolingo and then catching up on blogs and social stuff and ‘researches’ that I’m not a good remote holder. Hubby takes that job and so I am never sure which show, except for those mentioned above. But other shows are: Blindspot, Bones, Taboo, Startalk, Librarians, The Last Ship, Designated Survivor, Chicago Med, (Almost any Medical Drama). Humans, Expanse, Chicago Fire, –and the list goes on and on as some show go on hiatus and others come back. Most of them are in the background for me. I don’t pay close attention. I’m usually reading, knitting, researching, doing email or FaceBooking. My kids will tell you I’ve always been a non-watcher. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “You were watching it, Mom. Don’t you remember?” even hubby tells me I saw this before. Mostly it is noise to keep me distracted should the things I’m working on not do the trick.

Anyway, those are the basics of the evening shows. We used to stay up and watch Craig Ferguson but since he left we turn the TV off about the time for the noisy late-night guys.

But weekends! We start with Joy but if she is too much of the T-word we move on. We have recorded masses of Dr. Pol and Dr.Jeff or Alaska the Last Frontier or other shows that are similar. If none of those work, a good disaster movie or syfy or animal show will hold that background for me. And the occasional Project Runway.

Sundays are best. Why? Game of Thrones (when it’s finally on) Shameless, Elementary, Secretary of State, and Walking Dead and Talking Dead. Those last two are nearly exclusively mine. Hubby tolerates them. But I love the character development and watching how folks survive certain situations. Talking Dead, cause I love learning how stories are made, behind the scenes and meeting the actors as people and what they bring to a role. And I like Chris Hardwick.

We tend to watch our DVDs or Netflix or the like on the weekend our favorites being Pirates of the Caribbeans Avatar, Independence Day and the like. I could watch these a million times and always notice something new. And I like the music of these shows. Or binging on GoT. That music gets me, too.

But these shows on the weekend hold more of my attention. So I feel healthier. Does that make sense? It’s like I need a lot of animal, nature type things to ground me then exciting music. Just listening to music doesn’t work for me. As a music major, I get involved. Where’s it going? How did they do that? I wonder if I could play that. So I need a show to keep me in the room involved with the writing and characters while knitting and computing.

Do you have a TV diet/routine?

Another Achievement YaY!


Another ear warmer scarf. I followed the LoomAHat YouTube Tutorial. Just in case you wondered, here is what the back looks like when perched on an oatmeal box (I use themt o hold skeins of yarn so that they don’t get full of cat or dog hair. (I make a hole in the top with a slit from the edge to guide the working yarn into the center.)


Happy Thursday, everyone. How many of you are Gray’s Anatomy and the rest of the Shonda line up? ME!!!!! So back to my program.

20140625 Domiciles

20140625 Blog?
Well, it has been a rough day and so I am getting here as most people are going to sleep in our area. Oh well, such is my life. At least I’m writing, hey?

I am watching Treehouse Masters right now. Do any of you watch it? My hubby and I  dream of treehouse living. I know, old folks like us. We, who chose to live downstairs in this apartment because we didn’t want to climb the stairs with our disabilities. But how about a treehouse with some sort of elevator? I used to live in the upstairs apartment and loved how I felt up there. The only thing I didn’t like was that my cat of the time decided she could fly. She lived through that and many more years, nearly 18 years.

Another program I like, is Tiny House. Wait. That isn’t a program it is a documentary on Netflix. I think I could live like that. DH would probably not like it.

On the same thread, have you watched, You Live in What? I love that people are getting creative in their choices of domiciles. Of course, with this last show, I find most of these places take a small fortune to pull off. Still, the creativity these shows contain is contagious.

What I learn from the treehouses, Tiny House, and mobile homes are the multipurpose surfaces, and how to install the best storage for things. Tiny House encourages me to purge the many things collected over the years. That is a hard one for me as I haven’t the energy most of the time to gather up and remove all those extras that gather in a person’s home on a regular basis. Having a Kindle or two has made the book collecting less dust attracting, yet I still find I need more treebooks.–Hey, there’s an idea! A treehouse for treebooks! I wonder if that has ever been done? Now I just need a plot of land, with healthy trees and a windfall enough to pay the master to build it! With lots of storage and WiFi!

This is not what I wanted to write today. I wanted to continue my story with the character escaping the earthquake, bareback, on a friendly wild horse. Maybe tomorrow. Any suggestions for the story? Any constructive critiques?

Well, 390 words is not enough. If I were writing this on my desk, you could picture me banging my head on the desk. Luckily writing from a bed is much safer. Similar to writing in a padded room. ;-D

Oh, shoot! I just remembered! I forgot to write my review for Zen and the Art of Writing. I finished it two days ago. Guess that will add some words for me. So goes the mind of ADD. Catch me in the next post. <>

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