Archive for February, 2015

A Matter of Faith A Matter of Faith by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sorry it has taken me so long to review this. I picked this up so long ago that I can’t even remember when or why. But since I was feeling my addiction to Sophia De Luna’s writing, I thought now was the time.

Okay, this was a short story. Not my favorite kind. It was long enough to care about the characters and for a storyline to develop. But, as is my customary response: I wanted more. This could make a marvelous epic fantasy with LBGTQ flavors. Tell me more about the world, the kingdom, the characters and their families. Why doesn’t the secondary character have faith in herself or life itself? How were the talents of healing discovered and are their other talents?

What happens next?

I loved it so far. I want more!

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Prodigy (Legend, #2)Prodigy by Marie Lu

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have never read a series of books so out of order as I have had to with this series. It was too expensive to buy each of the three books so I consulted the library. They had the large print hardback book and the CDs to listen to available right away. They didn’t have the first book and the second was already borrowed. So I read/heard book three first. I was very impressed with the author that the story line and characters held together without the background of the first two books. Soon the second book became available in only the OverDrive (audio) version. So I took my chances.

Once again, I am impressed with how well the story holds together even reading it so out of order. As with book three the narrators: Mariel Stern (June), Steven Kaplan (Day) keep the story moving from within the characters’ points of view. Though the ending of book two felt like the narrators were hitting their stride, the beginning felt a little unrehearsed. Still, I think this is a great way to tell a story from the male and female viewpoints. I think it makes the book more accessible to both genders. That’s my guess. I wonder how males react to this way of telling a story. Both June and Day are fearless and human and show they deeply care for each other and their people. Both are trying to make a dystopian world a little more livable for all. I imagine that the audio versions of this story add so many more layers of believability to the story.

This was the first book I have had to rely strictly on the audio version. There was no Kindle or tree-book available to read along on. With my ADD that made it hard to stay within the story. But I limited my visual stimuli to crocheting a mundane pattern or closing my eyes. I think if I had a car, this would be a great ride along story. It isn’t so exciting as to make the drive dangerous, but it keeps your attention.

Now that I know how the story ends, and how the middle is told, I will have to read the first part. I found I had one credit on Audible so as to ‘buy’ book one. Once my finances are better I will grab the Kindle version to go with it. I may eventually reread the story in the right order to see how much different it comes across. I highly recommend these books for young adults and older. The romance isn’t horrible sticky. Rather it adds another layer of depth to the story. Enjoy!

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Reviews: Shows I’ve Liked

Fibromyalgia seems to dictate my life lately. Whereas I used to stay home with a flare occasionally, now I rarely go out. I can count on my fingers how often I have been out in the last couple years. Now the fluctuations are in what I can get done within a day. Worst days are just sleep and moan. I do everything in my power to keep from having those days.

Even with this cold I seem to have acquired in the last couple days, I have managed to not sleep all day. I have had to nap today. But hopefully that won’t affect tonight’s rest. Instead, I can sit and read in any of my books. But there are days when the eyes just can’t handle reading. Those are the days I use to watch Netflix.

I wish there were a “GoodReads” of Netflix so I could review what I watch. Netflix actually used to have that so I could share with friends and family what I’ve been watching. But now they only have a star system that helps them decide what I want to see next.

SOoooo, I think I will start that here. I don’t watch these shows very often. They are merely to help me not think of pain on the days when my eyes are worse. I try to keep my goal of an intake that would pass the Bechdel test. Written, directed, starring women mostly.

After reading such books as Woman in the Wing that inspired me to look at women in the World Wars, I found myself drawn to Bletchley Circle which was all mysterious drama, still worth three or four stars. Then Bomb Girls definitely a four-star show.  It made me nervous to think of those people who had to make those bombs.

On the same theme, Land Girls, the ones who stayed home taking care of the farms, which had an actress that looked so much like David Tennant’s Doctor Who’s assistant Rose Tyler that I believe they could be sisters. Not as intense a show but full of talented actresses and singers.

Well, now I was craving more British shows. So I went on to watch Call the Midwife. I can’t wait to watch more of this show. I here there are more seasons. For me, this is a five-star wonder. After all, I had my last two babies at home so I feel a certain camaraderie with these ladies.

It seemed I lost track of the war issue and graduated to more modern times but stayed with the British, I went on to watch Happy Valley which was gruesome at times, but all in all a good show to watch with a strong female main character. Four stars.

Lastly, there was Last Tango in Halifax. Neither of these last two shows starred strictly women. In fact, Last Tango is a sweet love story about this older hetero-couple.  Four stars. I think there may be more seasons on this one. I wouldn’t mind.

Granted all these shows are series that last a while so this may be a cinema diet of a couple years. But this is the kind of thing I love to watch when I can’t read. Any suggestions? Comments?

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The Scriptorium Daily

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