Archive for March, 2019

Last night I took this of our sunset. Why is it that it never looks like I see it in the picture? The red/orange was so bright against that dark blue that I nearly fainted at the sight.

By the way, I spent today working on first my set up for writing tomorrow and then went through some of my old books. I will need some of the old characters and places and planets from before so I didn’t want to forget where I’ve been in the Haven series.

Speaking of the Haven series, which you can read in full on Wattpad, I added chapter three to Haven 1-3. I hope to get some comments to help me make it a better story. It isn’t finished with the editing procedures, nor is the story ended after about 10 added books in the series.

Okay back to the Walking Dead season finale. Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday.

Wow! It is Saturday again, so soon!



Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “dough/d’oh.” Use one, use both, use ’em any way you like. Enjoy!

I choose D’oh! I would use a picture of drooling Homer Simpson here but figure that has to be a copyright infringement.

I was not only surprised at the sudden appearance of Saturday but of the sudden appearance of April and that means:

No. Not NaNoWriMo. But CampNaNo. (Couldn’t find an icon for that). And that sudden realization put me in a rush to get ready. After a day of reinstalling WriteItNow.

And setting up for choosing characters and a place to figure out plots, etc.

And because I can’t seem to put my own pictures in I made sure to install the latest version of yWriter, where I usually do my writing.

After watching OA I was inspired that they could actually keep writing on that show through infinity as there are that many possible dimensions. Then I remembered that postcard my friend sent:

I felt there was a story there. But I didn’t feel like writing historical fiction of the Little House on the Prairie has already been done.

Then suddenly the picture and OA crashed in my head and I think I have a synopsis. As I wrote in the CampNaNo info:

Haven the sentient planet has learned to travel to other worlds, times, and dimensions while maintaining Her own world. What does She look like? What could possibly happen to this unearthly body?

Haven hasn’t talked to me lately but this looks like fun and a lot of potential problems to work out.

OH but then I realized that this is:

So I challenge myself to somehow do both. Maybe what I blog for A2Z will show up in the story or vice versa.

Do you think I will ever get these novels out there and make some dough?

(Did you see what I did there?)

SmilodonSmilodon by Alan Nayes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

My husband seemed really excited about a book he was reading. He even brought it into the living room with his headset while I was watching some show. He doesn’t usually read during the day. He is usually on the computer during the day. So I asked him about the book. It sounded exciting. I was able to borrow it on Kindle.

He was right it was right. It was exciting.

Anyone who reads my reviews know I am on a mission to read mostly female authors with strong female characters. After all, I spent my first sixty years like most people, reading mostly male authors and male characters. This book didn’t fit my new goal. But my husband convinced me that is was intriguing. So I couldn’t resist.

I have to admit that the first few chapters were boring. It was male heavy. And the only females were eye-candy. The main female (secondary character) was the ranger in charge but was seldom given her due of being in charge.

Beyond those complaints, the Smilodon part of the story was exciting. Imagine a creature that big that takes over a park! I don’t want to give any spoilers. It is well worth the read, but maybe not at night. It was hard to sleep after!

View all my reviews

Escapist Coloring Club 20190328

Foreshadowing Dragons

I lost my favorite photo editing app when my computer died recently. So these pictures may not be very clear. Any free editors you all can suggest here, please share! Anyway, the above it the before.

Hope you can get the gist of what is said under the picture about the red dragon and the white dragon.  So I tried to stay with that theme as I colored. No, I didn’t use Baby Oil as I forgot to put it on my shopping list. Maybe for the next coloring project, I can try it. Here is my next challenge:

Brought to you by Linda G. Hill. Thanks for the fun!

One-Liner Wednesday 20190327

Don’t bother me, I’m coloring and then napping! Or the other way around?

There are no challenges about napping that I know of. I would love to make that blanket! But there are only three more days to this month to get our Escapest Coloring Club projects finished. I take it seriously. Thank you, Linda! And for One-Liner Wednesday!

The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind BarsThe Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Younger me would have been appalled at the me that LOVES The Walking Dead. Do I love zombies? Heck no. But like birds and coyotes, they exist in Robert Kirkman’s TWD. Some would understand if I use the words, “puppies and kittens”. Just not so cute. What else exists? As much inclusion as it possible without it being awkward.

Where would you prefer to spend the apocalypse a farm or a prison? A farm would have a good amount of food if you can keep it fresh and healthy. When the zombies stroll all over it and threaten to kill you, then that is not so feasible. No electric fences can keep them out. They only want to eat you. Innocent from their point of view. Hard enough to keep the farm free of pests like mice and coyotes or other predators. Shooting at them will bring more, in hoards!

Seemingly a strange choice is a prison. But with bars and double sets of high fences that normally keep the bad folks in, now becomes the best place of safety. Plus all the food that is still there. Clear away the walking dead and you have a safe place to raise a family. And set up the farm!

And so it is that Rick Grimes and crew end up in the prison. If you watch the show this kind of order happened to our fearless group. They tried camping in volume 1, the farm in volume 2, and finally, in volume 3, they move into the prison. But some people are still with us, others don’t exist. It is fun to compare the writing of both comic and television show. The story remains, for the most part, in spite of the changes needed often for the length of time a show can run, whereas the written one can go on forever if we all want it. (Yes!)

Once, again, I need to say, I prefer the Kindle version to the paperback. Though I would like to collect the comics, I can’t read them without a magnifying glass. The Kindle version allows me to click on the picture and take it frame by frame. Then if a certain frame has a font that is too small I can pinch it bigger. Bravo, technology! I miss the smell and tactile enjoyment of real books, but at my age with my eyes, I’m happy I can still enjoy books and comic books! By the way, the Kindle version is cheaper and it is free with Kindle Unlimited! YAY!

View all my reviews

Kali Wants Attention 20190325

Oh, no.

I don’t want to bug her.


Shoot she didn’t get it!

Can you hear me now?

It worked.

London Holiday (Americans Abroad, #5)London Holiday by Miranda MacLeod
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What a fun little book! Need a beach read or a nod to fairy tales with a twist? This is it. Though it was a little predictable, I still couldn’t go to sleep until 3:00 in the morning as I wanted to see what would happen.

In our crazy cyber-gossipy world, a princess and a journalist fall in love, quite by accident. Fun and adventure happen, lots of London is explored.

Beyond these words, I am afraid I will ruin your discovery of this gem if I tell you more. This book was just a lightweight read to fill the moments between heavier books. I probably won’t read it again but I am now a fan of this author and will read more by her. Enjoy!

View all my reviews

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “the last piece of mail you received.” Talk about the subject of the last piece of physical mail you received, i.e. a gas bill–talk about gas, not the bill itself. Have fun! Per Linda G. Hill.

I am horrid at mail of any kind. Email and snail correspondence get dusty waiting for me. Especially since we moved into the middle of nowhere. With no house delivery, we used to go to the post office a couple of times a week. We now are lucky when picking it up a couple of times a month.

I have a friend I would love to emulate in her mailing habits. Out of the blue recently I received the above postcard. She wrote a haiku on the back with a nice message of affection. She is the one that sent the present a day for advent. They were things like dollar store bubbles or silly putty. But out here and with the fibro keeping my housebound most of the winter, these were treasures. I felt like a little kid with each gift I opened. I feel the same when I receive a postcard or letter from her.

Not only is this humbling to me, but it also teaches me how little things can make life worth living.

This is my promise in front of the whole internets: I will start writing notes, letters and other types of posts to this friend and others. Even in Spanish if I have to. 😉😎


Finished Friday 20190322

With all that has been happening this week, and the constantly changing weather, here is one thing I can feel good about:

A little, soft newborn hat.

KB Baby Hat loom. K2, P2 brim. Flat stitch knit, LoomaHat’s Decrease Bind Of. See below.

Happy Friday, everyone!

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