Archive for November, 2023

Thus Thursday

Exciting help for writing at 4 and 6 AM as my characters woke me and demanded ‘The End’ and then an Epilogue. Ha!
Yep, I made it! Thanks for all your support! There is still more story I need to write, but now there isn’t that deadline effect. I’ll add more as I edit over the next couple of days.
This is the second hat as part of a couple’s gift I’m working on.

Feeling accomplished and happy.

For your support. Especially, Yvensong who suffered long anxious write-ins with me.

One-Liner Wednesday

To meet my goal, I only need 1,825 words. 👋

All the Light We Cannot SeeAll the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Now I can’t wait to see the movie! This was a good book! Anthony Doerr wrote beautifully, and Zach Appelman could do all the characters very well. In fact, when he did the female voices, I didn’t hear the belittling tone I usually hear when a male portrays a female.

This was a scary step to take after the heavy historical facts of Rachel’s book. I was so worried that I couldn’t handle what happened to the beloved characters in the book. It doesn’t end with a happily ever after, but it felt real yet enlightening and full of love.

To show how captivating this story was, I didn’t get to sleep until 4:30 this morning, and I had a long drive to stay awake for today. So far, the strength of the characters in the book sustained me. Maybe by this weekend, I can watch the show.

View all my reviews

Prequel: An American Fight Against FascismPrequel: An American Fight Against Fascism by Rachel Maddow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have been finished with this book for a few days. It is so heavy in history that I couldn’t bring it all in. I may have to buy it and reread it. Luckily, I could read it by Libby audio.

Rachel does her own narrating. That made it better. She can take you back in historical situations so that you know more than names and dates (the things taught to me in history classes of my youth). She can almost take you back to the time the first dinosaur thought of the inconvenience of that leaf and how it led to the conflict of World War II. Her deep research is evident.

There were far more people involved in that war than we were taught in school. And much of what we got had to be taught cleaned up in a way that not just kids but everyone could take it in. There was a reason most veterans of that war said nothing about what happened. They only knew the bit of the war they were in. It was truly a World War, and many people were involved in many aspects. This book covers a lot of them. And how people in many countries, even ours, were placated to or induced into beliefs they might not readily have fallen for otherwise.

I highly suggest everyone read this. I think it could be a textbook for a true history class. I know many won’t want to read it. That’s okay. For those open to try, please do so.

View all my reviews

Found on Facebook

Best audience for music or read aloud! I miss my Kali and Teddy.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday

From Linda’s Prompt: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “something that closes.” Write about the first thing that pops into your head that closes. Enjoy!
Closing of an era and opening of the next. For a couple weeks, I have been watching The Doctor (From Chris Eccleston through Jodie Wittaker). That way, I’d be ready for this morning’s special. It’s on Disney Plus if you want to see it. I watched the previous Whos on Max.
My son has been letting us watch his Complete Farscape collection for the past month. That ended for us today. Another door closes.

And Now:

Though he has the movies, we couldn’t wait; we went on Amazon Prime to find the movies.

But when this ends, I am going to have that loose ends feeling. What next? Suggestions?

Finishing Friday

Three pairs of socks at different stages. Mostly Chiaogoo  red-laced TAAT Toe-up. The pink socks are on Knitter’s Pride Royal. (Hate! can’t wait to get a better set!)
Hat in progress
Solitrax. My partner watching the Jodie Wittaker Doctor Who. Getting ready for tomorrow.
Still have 800 to add tonight (370 done at the moment)

We had tofu and Kim Chi.

One-Liner Wednesday

After all these years of NaNo writing, I finally have a line I like (It’ll probably need to be edited out)

“Still, they all felt that uneasiness that comes from paranoia brought about by valid fears.” All mine!


Life is full of expectations and hope. I had wished that I would get 50K words this November, but life has gotten in the way. If I struggled against that goal, only getting 1100-1400 words a day, I would, by now, just give up. I know my psyche. I like my story. I think it holds some fun things that suddenly go with the last book, almost a part two but few of the same characters. They will possibly meet in the end, but I am not sure how. Still, the story itself overlaps. I don’t want to lose the story to the word goal. Does that make sense? So, as of today, I have a new goal of 35,000, giving me a daily goal of 730. It’s so much more doable. Especially when I need more world and character-building. I want a stronger story. This is how I will gain it. I am rarely at the words “the end” on November 30. I have been writing NaNo-way in that I like busting out 30-50k words in a month. It pushes on my creativity. I have done my best with a vague framework ready on the first of the month whenever I choose to do the writing.

Now I can spend unguilty time doing yarn things.

How I feel now, 🙂
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nicki does hair

Just a hairstylist helping you to MANEtain your luscious locks in the salon and at home!

Sunra Rainz

Poetry. Art. Photography. Musings.

The Mindful Migraine

I suffer from chronic migraine - at The Mindful Migraine blog I share some of the ideas that have helped - I hope they help you too.

Anthony's Literary Lens

Capturing life's moments, one frame at a time

The Astro Tree:- Complete Astrology Solution.

Get Advice About Love Problem Solution by The Astro Tree.


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Stitches by the Sea

Welcome to my blog. I live, knit, crochet, spin and craft near the Northumbrian Coast (but not too near - the waves won't be splashing my yarn!).There's a story in every stitch, every grain of sand, every blade of grass. I thought I'd blog about it...

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