Category: Animals

A to Z Challenge O, P

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter O
#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter P

Open your eyes! Oscar the Octopus is out to escape. After observing that tank full of the powerful, eight-limbed, graceful Oscar, a mollusc of the order Octopoda, figures out the escape route over and over. He outsmarts the humans. Every time. He may be too intelligent for his own good, yet he can’t pass up a challenge.

The ocean is full of outstanding animals! But the octopus is over the top!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “rhymes with ale.” Find a word that rhymes with ale, regardless of the spelling, and use it in your post. Enjoy!

It never fails to amuse me how stale everything feels in February. I long to get outside and start my daily walks. I dream of trails exploring the unknown areas.

Birds are setting up nests. We have chickadees and starlings sharing space above our front door. They take turns while standing on the porch rail. It is fun to watch them negotiate that space peacefully, it puts humans to shame!

The chickens wander out yard more freely as spring takes over winter space.

Quail run together in families. They always make me laugh. They have perfectly good wings but think they are more sophisticated than all that. February shows the beginning of new babies. Each family has structure and language. I almost think I understand. There’s a call that sounds like, ‘she’s outside!’ then ‘okay, relax’, then, ‘she’s gone now.’

February seems too early for mowing the hay. It’s interesting to watch the machines bale into cubes or cylinders. But alfalfa is getting ready to sprout.

With my diamond painting, I wonder if there could be a way to make the painting accessible to sight impaired. Might I call it Braille painting? I’ve always wanted to learn that. I can finger spell and have baby level sign language.

Oh, and here’s the finished sea turtles:

Ah, but the Flounder of the day, wouldn’t it be nice for a whale here? Aw, no worries. Please don’t all start wailing!

And not a whale!

Streaming along. I haven’t had kale in a long time. Mmm, kale chips sound yummy. I need to make some hummus.

Many of you don’t realize how wonderful it is to have mail delivery. Once or twice a week we drive to the post office. When we didn’t have a vehicle we walked the seven mile round trip. My walking goal is to walk that for fun!

Oh, another issue of February is how pale we’ve all become. Maybe it’s good we have to start slowly. But most of the time now, we don’t have to break thick ice in the outside water pail.

No matter what time of year, but because we’re longing to be outside, we see eagles, hawks, and owls that soar and sail in the sky. They are magnificent if not deadly to outside small furry friends.

Hmm. I think this stream went to the birds. Yep, that hit it on the nail!

Piglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and His FamilyPiglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and His Family by Melissa Shapiro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, my goodness! This book was fun from the very beginning. My eyes have difficulties tracking to read; even since cataract surgery fixed a lot of my issues, tracking remains nearly impossible. I have been an avid reader since I was little. Reading was slow going, but I got through the ten books allotted by the library every three weeks. The heft of the books was unwieldy, but I didn’t ask for help.

So, I began reading this book on my old phone using the Kindle app. It took me quite a while to get through even half the book. Finally, I caught up with the Libby audiobooks I had checked out, and Piglet became my bedtime book. Now, I could use text-to-speech and speed up the reading quite a bit. And give my eyes a rest.

Another reason I got into this book is my own dog, Kali, passed last spring after being nearly blind and having doggy dementia and bad hearing. It was so hard at the end of her life, but we had such a hard time from the beginning trying to learn from each other that the bond for her was strong in the end. I miss her so much and feel the need to help another dog as soon as I can. Meanwhile, Piglet helped me. Now I feel even stronger about getting another dog. I know there is one out there that needs me as much as I need him or her.

I think this book has a couple of other inspirational stories within. Melissa Shapiro is a veterinarian who tells her story of how she and her husband got together. Then, she shares her children’s aspirations with music. She tells of their college experiences.

By the way, one of her daughters and her husband have honest and raving reviews on the Piglet GoodReads page. I was delighted to read these as I felt I knew them from the book.

This book is full of the good feels a person needs these days. I look forward to looking all over the internet to find videos and follow the dogs, Melissa, and her family, and all the good they are doing for disabled people and animals.

View all my reviews

When I feel I am floundering, I need to remember the floundering Ms. Shapiro and her husband went through with that one-pound blind, deaf puppy screaming his needs to them. Floundering is how one finds one’s balance. That is what February gives me. Meanwhile, today my turtles got a little more colorful.

This post is part of Linda’s Just Jot it January, and today’s prompt, tenaciousness, is courtesy of Cheryl. Check out her blog here!

Oxford Dictionary says of ‘Tenacious’:

“ending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely.

“tenacious grip”


not readily relinquishing a position, principle, or course of action; determined.

“you’re tenacious and you get at the truth”


persisting in existence; not easily dispelled.

“a tenacious local legend”

When I am working on something I can seem stubborn. But I would rather think of it as tenacious. Sticking to it until I become better, sticking to it until I have a product to wear, or give to someone else to enjoy. The following are my newest slippers and socks.

These are a pair of this-and-that slippers using up leftover yarn. If they don’t turn out well, I will keep them and love them myself!
These will be the smallest no-show socks for a sweet little girl who is a size 1 child. I hope they turn out to be her size. I have to admit my own size is easiest to do as I have my own feet available to check as I go.
I tenaciously cling to the idea of learning to play new instruments while maintaining the ones I know. My recorder is always near me. I’ve finally gotten the idea of how the Baroque fingering for F and F sharp is different than the fingering I learned at first. I like that it sounds right now.
The last time I tried a stringed instrument was a guitar I had as a young teen. I named it Herman. I gave up because it hurt my fingers. So, I thought a ukulele would be easier. Definitely easy to tote around. Nope. I’m only on one-finger chords, and it already hurts. But now I have a group on Facebook helping me learn to keep practice times down to 10 minutes until my fingers develop callouses. I plan to stick it out. And still get back to my piano. No sense in letting that go when it has been with me since I was 5. 69 years of piano? I ought to be at the concert level! No. I just want to enjoy it and learn more.
Remember this guy? I was working on him a year ago. I gave up because I didn’t like to do the last steps. But I finally finished sealing the painting. Tomorrow, I will frame the work with the tape in the upper left corner. Then he and the leg-warmers will go to their new owner.
Through the limbs of the mesquite, you can see the tenacious snow that won’t leave the driveway despite the rain we have had for a couple days. More rain is expected. Somehow, I don’t think I will see snow tomorrow.
My brother has a new but beautiful enemy. We have about 6 of these guys hanging around our yard and our neighbors’ yards. Though I would appreciate them dealing with all the mice around here, they seem to be going after the chickens and small stray cats and rabbits that hang out in our area. My brother got beak to beak with one as he tried to save one of his chickens, but the owl had already won. So he strengthened the coop so that owls couldn’t get in. Sadly, our chickens are free-range during the day, and that makes it dangerous for them. When not being pests, these large birds are gorgeous. And probably more tenacious than any other predator around here.

But I can’t leave this prompt without this tribute:

That Is Real Tuesday

I shared a couple of amazing animals on Facebook and here yesterday. I loved them so much, and the response from all of you, SO MUCH, that I continued researching. So here is an amazing YouTube. Amazing first in information, and — How does he talk so fast?


Introducing Marvelous Monday

The Hat Lady and her Animals (Picture Books for Kids)The Hat Lady and her Animals by Gita V. Reddy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a fun little story with plenty of lessons. A story in kindness. A story of using your talents to help others. A story about yarn skills.

By the way, Darlene only knits in this case. The yarn comes from, and finished products go to Hugger Hats. Those amazing ladies in the group are the ones that collect yarn and distribute the finished toys and hats to the needy. But I understand keeping it simple for the story’s sake.

I have to admit to being more than uncomfortable seeing my name in the story. But once I got used to it, I loved what the author was trying to convey.

Though the toys in the story were not the ones I made, I would love to put patterns in the book for those who wanted to learn. Many children love knitting. I was twelve when I learned to crochet and knit.

The little stuffed animals were adorable. Easy the pup was my favorite. But the cat couple was so sweet. I can’t wait for the Hugger Hats to see this story more about the group than about any one person.

View all my reviews

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “too/to/two.” Use one, use ’em all, bonus points if you use all three. Extra bonus points if you start your post with one. Enjoy!

Too often I tell myself I can’t, I’m too young, I’m too old, I’m too female, I’m too tomboy, too something to do a thing. But when I can be of two minds, I can see that perfection is really what’s stopping me.

I wonder if a bird sings for perfect pitch and rhythm. Maybe the mockingbird works towards being the best mimic.

Maybe those birds in Central America that dance work on their beats.

But the cream that rises to the top is the rarity. That raven outside ain’t even trying? Nah. He’s just being a raven.

Two minds means I can work to do my best but be happy with small, sparrow size accomplishments. Those starlings have managed with persistence to make another nest in our attic. We have tried everything to discourage them. They never look at a blueprint and care nothing about zoning laws.

Not my photo but I never have my phone ready when our home-invaders are on the rails.

And you should see the pair loving, and arguing. It takes two!


We are still walking. It’s become a part of our daily story. Above is one of the scenes we see. We went this way today.

Thursday’s walk

We went straight until we heard the prompt say it was a mile. Then turned around.

Oops screenshot captured the chat! But hey! Awards are fun!
Today’s walk. Way shorter but longer somehow.

So coming around back towards our street a neighbor came out to talk to us. She was concerned about a dog in a house closer to us. It seemed tangle in chains. They had tried to give the dog water as the chain was keeping the dog standing and unable to reach food or water.

The dog owner had been suffering from a stroke so none of us knew where he was.

We reported it to the sheriff looking for a welfare-check for the dog’s owner. My brother and husband untangled the chain and brought the dog here to chain in our front yard.

We learned his name is Bear. He is sweet. Even Kali likes him. We still don’t know where his owner is, or even that he is okay. Wish we could afford to have a big brute like Bear but we’re barely able to care for what we have.

Anyway, that walk was short for milage but long on story.

I’ve set up my yWriter7 for my memoirs.  CampNano started today. I think my goal is a little too high, 50k. My imagination is good for that. But real life? I can already see it will be a bit of a psychological trip but to get to nuggets to share I need to walk in the mully grubs.

In other news…

Today’s progress.

Now back to the mully grubbing.

One-Liner Wednesday

Deer didn’t do it!

While I was in the dentist my husband watched this cute guy cause trouble.

Badge by Laura @

One-liner Wednesday is a fun easy prompt by Linda G. Hill

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