Category: Writing

#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter J

Just thinking about things can keep you awake at night. Half the time, you justify things done and other times, you go into full-on judgment. Jabberwokies fly or swim with jugglers who jab you in the ribs. All that from the thoughts or books before going to sleep.

Photo by cottonbro studio on

At this advanced age, I am learning that I have a bit of control over this potential joyride of the brain. Just as a thought can go all wrong, and that was imagination going negative, jumping the tracks to joyful or boring ideas and letting the imagination make a jolly or juicy bit of fantasy can switch that mindset.

Sometimes, the mind wants to take over, so you must jog it or pull it to a stop with a jerk. A funny dragon, a space voyage, any story to take you away from the current darkness. Something funny or silly joke you tell yourself in the middle of that flow can slow it down. Then, the more you practice this internal journaling, the more you can do it better and better. Write them down if you can. During the day, the darker and come up with ideas to switch it over to something more fun. Sinking into the darkness doesn’t solve the problems. However, using a more positive story can lighten things and bring solutions you might not have reached in the worry world.

That is why I love writing. Imagination is the juice of my mind. By the way, my favorite jolt is to imagine diving into a pool of water and holding my breath, swimming underwater to the other end. I enjoy the quiet of the blue water. I feel the coolness on my skin, the bubbles escaping from my nose or mouth. I swim. I would rather do it in real life, but imagination greatly helps.

Photo by Pixabay on

Informed interrogators inhabiting igloos ink imaginatively.

Thank you, Linda, for 1-liner Wednesday
#AtoZChallenge 2024 letter I

My new diamond painting is started.

The foreground is started.
Nearly finished with the arch of these socks.
Beginning the arch on these socks.

Because of watching

I’ve added Chinese to my Duolingo lineup. I highly recommend this show. Not a movie but a series. My husband and I couldn’t stop the binge.

I’m trying to find a way to put my biggest guilt trips here.  The end of the month is looming. Two goals haven’t even been touched. I haven’t edited anything. Nor have I worked on my read-alouds or podcast. Finding privacy and time seems the biggest issue. Nor have I touched the real piano. Boo! Next month is Camp NaNo. I have no idea what I’m doing. And so I’m Muddling my mind.

Time for uke and recorders and roll up keyboard.

March First

Finally Floundering February bids us adieu. And right on the Mark March brings ideas to move forward.

A couple years ago my cousin sent me a tape recorder and asked me to write (record) my memoirs.

I chickened out. Plain and simple. But I did write my memories.  So here’s my idea (and I’m already a day late!) I will record, read aloud and edit the memories and edit as I go. I put it in NaNo as this month’s goal. I added my last Nano novel. Both books are 15k each. I plan to read aloud and edit that one, too.

I may have bit off more than I can chew. Maybe I’ll prioritize the memoir. No more Floundering, just get busy!

By the way, for those who tried,thanks for playing 😀

In other news we have winter starting now. Alaska is sending us a cold front.

Just as evening was descending. Cold but blue skies.
Yesterday morning. The sky was not that blue.
Blue than it actually was.
That’s more how I remember it.
Coming down. Cold and gray.

Meanwhile, for Finishing Friday:

This is a fun project. Haven’t touched the lighthouse.
Almost to the heels.
Still proceeding with learning the uke. I actually am needing the next book. I think my fingers are toughening up!

I finished The Mammoth Hunters but haven’t had the chance to write the review. I’m loving reading the series again.

It’s snowing again. It’s so pretty. I’m glad the rodent was wrong!

Just Jot It January, Writing

Linda’s JJIJ, and Joanne’s prompt, Writing.
From the Free Photo Library

I love writing. Fiction, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, blogging, even my memoir. But at least as much as the topic, I love writing cursive or playing with lettering, calligraphy. I don’t like the modern stuff but rather

The modern

I love to practice

The Gothic look


Or the swirly, pretty stuff

To me writing is artwork. My handwriting lately (or the fast note writing during lectures) is horrible. But I like to take my time and enjoy writing. Even grocery lists.

But having the best hand writing in the house means only I can write the lists. I’m not bragging. My guys here would write a list so fast that even they can’t read it, much less if there’s a note, like, not the one with salt, or the crispy kind not soggy, you know what I mean?

But that means I’m stopping whatever I’m doing to write the list. So I got upset having to drop my knitting or jumping off the stationary bike to write the list.

Instead, my husband set up a shared Keep app list we add to as we go along.

More organized, efficient.

But now I need to find other reasons to practice my ABCs.

Guilt trip jumps in here. I need to write more letters to friends and family. I’ll think about it. Again.

Time to get writing.

To creating yet another habit!

Thus Thursday

Exciting help for writing at 4 and 6 AM as my characters woke me and demanded ‘The End’ and then an Epilogue. Ha!
Yep, I made it! Thanks for all your support! There is still more story I need to write, but now there isn’t that deadline effect. I’ll add more as I edit over the next couple of days.
This is the second hat as part of a couple’s gift I’m working on.

Feeling accomplished and happy.

For your support. Especially, Yvensong who suffered long anxious write-ins with me.

Finishing Friday


You see these crazy fun socks were nearly to the heel part. I found a mistake. Tinking back.

See the markers up near the needles? That’s how far I needed to tink.
This yarn is so cute and fun! Makes me want to do them up nice.
Now just a little more than toes. But a chance to make a better pair.

A quick NaNoWriMo report. Empty now has 15,231 words. I should have 16,670. So back to the storyboard.

One-Liner Wednesday

2,106 words in a novel titled Empty and I still don’t know what I’m writing.

A part of Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday

Happy Halloween

OR as some of us call it:

Happy NaNo Eve!

Who’s joining me in the Night of Writing Dangerously at midnight tonight?

I took my nap. I’m ready. I don’t get very social. But if others want, we can Zoom or FB chat to feel in touch. Have fun!

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “the first 3 words of the first full sentence.” Okay, follow me here. This is what I want you to do: 1. Grab the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. 2. Open it to a random page. 3. Locate the first complete sentence on that page. 4. Use the first three words of that sentence to start your post, then take it from there–write whatever comes to mind. That’s it! Have fun!

Page 46, #369

Memory is necessary… Duh!

Most of the easy to grab books from my recliner are knitting or crochet ones. Or writing. This book was part of the inspiration for last year’s NaNoWriMo. Pensées, French for Reflexions. The book is dry but there are pearls of wisdom along with some biased thoughts education and reason can overcome.

By the way, the full quote is: Memory is necessary for all the operations of reason. So much better than: To create an airy grid texture, crochet using the TSS into the back bump of the Return Row (see chapter Stitch Bars, picture E, No. 5).

Although, come to think of it: To create an… Leaves lots to a far different blog entry.

End of stream. Duo and crochet are calling.

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