Archive for January, 2020

Don’t ask me how Snoopy photo-bombed. I felt him feeling left out so included him in the sock picture. So anyway, I finished these today. I can’t give them to just anyone so I had to write on the donation card that they are a wool mix.

That is the CinDWood fine-gauge 1/4″, 56 peg loom. I love this loom! These are toe-up that start out looking like this with the Kitchener Cast-on.

Doesn’t that look like fun? It is! So you start out wrapping the pegs until you have this loom. Then on one side of the loom, you work the toe with a few wraps and turns. Then take it all the way around making the foot part of the sock. When you have enough rows done you can get the knitted sides to meet up. That’s when you get the fun-total chaos! See what I did there? 😀 Anyway, you start at the opposite side of the start string. You pick up the beginning stitches. pretty soon you have a bit of yarn. Picking, pulling one side and then the other before long you have a few inches of yarn. Keep it going and soon you have a foot. Then you have a yarn. By the time you reach the beginning string, you have a few yards of yarn. By that point, I am moving a nest of yarn from one shoulder to another. Then I am using my knees to keep this mass of yarn open and straightened out so as not to make a bigger mess. Keep pulling, keep pulling! It is so much fun I can’t wait until I make the next sock. By the time the toe is closed up you have a little ball to use later. Here’s my favorite YouTube of this Kitchener Chaos:

Oh. I have several socks in the process right now. But the latest project is because of GoodKnitStitches. She put out this YouTube.

I didn’t have any T-shirt yarn but I have tons of plastic bags and balls of plarn adding to the chaos of my house. I thought maybe this would make a good roll-up padding for the homeless. It is going well. Here is what it looks like so far:

If it doesn’t feel good for me to lay on, it may end up being a pet bed or foot massager for the shower, or doormat. At any rate, I am enjoying this pattern with the plarn. I used to crochet with it but crochet seemed to hurt my hands. This doesn’t hurt and whips up fast. Now I dream that when I finish this mat I will find T-shirt material as that bath mat looks so cozy!

So sorry to see this January Jotting over. I always love it! The worst of it is as of Sunday the chaos of coming up with prompts for my blog!

Thank you, Linda!


Your prompt for JusJoJan January 31st, 2020, is “chaos.” Use the word “chaos” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Done, and done!

Just Jot it January — Finished


Today’s prompt comes to us compliments of Lauren. Thank you, Lauren! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there if you’re not already!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 30th, 2020, is “finished.” Use the word “finished” any way you’d like. Enjoy!

I just finished bingeing AJ and the Queen. It was cute. There’s only one season. But I hope there will be more.

And I’m caught up on Grace and Frankie. Yes, you see a theme, I needed something light to laugh with.

I have finished the third book of Outlander but that will be a separate post. None of the socks or other projects are finished. Maybe by tomorrow.

Pile o’ blankets to Winston from Kali.



One-Liner Wednesday, Jot It January for Linda G. Hill and Winston!





Per Linda G. Hill:

Today’s prompt comes to us courtesy of Barbara. Thank you so much, Barbara! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there if you’re not already!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 28th, 2020, is “television.” Use the word “television” any way you’d like. Enjoy!

This is a bit meandering, but I guess you’re used to my wandering s by now.

In the 1950s when we got our first Television, black and white, it was a huge box with buttons to turn to get the few stations, a small screen, and shows like Buck Rogers, Howdy Doody, various cartoons, wrestling, and roller derby. The news was on one station and everyone watched it.

Our generation was the first raised with the fifteen-minute interval for commercials. Some shows like Sheriff John sold stuff during the show, like Maggio Carrots. I could have sworn I could see the bright orange of the carrot and the crispy green of the ends.

I don’t know if the commercial is to blame for the short attention-spans. Nowhere else in our lives did we get those breaks. Sunday School lasted the hour. Church another hour. School breaks every few hours for recess. I know this.

My grandmother taught Sunday School. It taught me to read as she had the 23rd Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer on the wall as big as the door. Each week she would point to the words and the class would recite. When she was teaching a lesson she made sure we had crayons and paper to color. She believed busy hands kept our minds open to learning.  If we grandkids sat next to her in church, a lifesaver and a pencil and paper was her go-to. She did carry those plastic number puzzles that I learned weren’t impossible if you pulled a number or two out and then rearranged the order. At any rate, being in the adult talking room was boring, but Grandma was smart!

And now I still see her genius. While bingeing television shows, fast-forwarding the commercials, or watching where you don’t have any of that nonsense, I keep my hands busy. I can remember what I was watching last time the next time I pick up the project. I thank Grandma. It is my drawing during lectures in school or college that helped me get good grades. I remembered my notes for tests because of the doodles on the page.

But back to commercials and attention-span and television. Fast-forward to the bingeing without commercials. My concentration is able to do hours of watching. And I have ADD. Maybe the proof is in the hyperfocus I can put into what I do every day. I think television has a lot to offer. So much to learn about writing, good and bad, news, the arts, especially acting (good and bad), not to mention pain relief as a distraction. In my position, a good book wouldn’t work, like it used to a few years ago. Now I get most of my stories on screen. The books are text-to-speech or Audible. But I do love watching the story acted out. How the score behind a show can add or subtract, how a side-eye or nod can do wonders and writes up well when used. Television is inspiring for me. Even at its worst.

Everwood was my newest binge Just finished yesterday. As I told a friend, it is Hallmarky but it kept our interest. My husband had to watch with me and loved it enough that we couldn’t go it alone. You know those kinds of shows! Anyway, here’s another trailer. They are taking it off Hulu soon so binge away.

Just Jot It January — Dazzle

Today’s prompt comes to us compliments of Debbie. Thank you so much, Debbie! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 27th, 2020, is “dazzle.” Use the word “dazzle” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Bedazzling had never been my style. Maybe I’m of the wrong generation to get it. I get excited about new inventions. I was in love with my Palm Pilot way back when. I love our phones and computers and huge TVs. I like a nice dress or a pair of pants. I wear very little jewelry. Mostly because I found I’m allergic to most metals against my skin. Now I don’t find the lack of a necklace or three pairs of earrings nude. It’s just me. I can’t imagine why all the glitter or sequins make some happy. But they would probably find my life boring.

But I love the jewels of the water. I had hoped I’d find something like the above picture on! Plain flat blue water is beautiful. But a bit of chop on the sea is dazzling!

Just Jot It January — Busy

I’m Busy

I used to be busy. In my head, it felt like the buzzing busy signal we used to get before call waiting. When we were officially retired our busy looked like the above phone screenshot. It was fun to connect with family and friends and make new friends. It was fun to learn new things. Heck, I learn a lot about loom-knitting, felting, polymer clay molding, chair yoga. Gosh, there is no end to what you can learn on the internet.

But body issues crept in and brain issues. Yes, I am afraid that after losing both of my grandmothers from Alzheimer’s, my brain may be getting more than old. Eye-tracking makes a lot of reading, even on the internet, nearly impossible. It makes playing the piano nearly impossible. But I’m finding ways to do the things, all the things, differently. (Kindle text-to-speech, Audible, for instance).

I start to feel guilty about how I spend my time. How I don’t do the things everyone else is doing. I, especially, feel the guilt while playing games.

Okay, maybe not that game. More like slower, calmer versions of Tetris-like games or wordy games, or hidden objects. Mixed in with bingeing shows, writing/editing my books, reading books, knitting. Still, it felt I should be busy doing other things, that my body can’t.

Today I read this:

9 Ways to Keep Aging Brain Smart Check out #3! So these are helping my brain stay alive. Yay! Not worthless playing for no reason.

And since watching Everwood, I am looking forward to more of this:

I figure if I don’t try to start where I left off but go back to the bigger staves and letting my memory of the easier pieces help me relax and enjoy the stuff again.

Per Linda:

Today’s prompt comes to us compliments of Saumya. Thank you so much, Saumya! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 26th, 2020, is “busy.” Use the word “busy” any way you’d like. Enjoy!



Per Linda:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “last call.” Talk about the enterprise (sales or service) conducted by the last phone call you received from a business you’re not associated with (i.e. your workplace), or talk about that phone conversation itself. Have fun!


Okay. I can’t fully join in the prompt. I hate the phone. I think I have said this elsewhere on the blog. If it comes to calling someone, even people I love, I get shaky and sweaty. I don’t understand it. I was the teen that had a mile-long wire attached to my phone, and an even longer coiled wire attached to the receiver. I could wander anywhere in the house and out on the porches outside.  I could be on the phone for hours. We could chatter on and on.

Fast forward half a century and I can’t make service calls. If it is an important call I have my husband do the talking. He has one of those deep in-charge voices that gets the job done and doesn’t seem to have the throw-the-phone-across-the-room syndrome.

On the other hand, I love meeting with people I love on FaceBook IMs or Skype. Especially now that you can talk to a couple people at a time. I love seeing the faces and the environment my loved-ones are in. It is the next best thing to being there. That being impossible due to weather and finances.

My last video call was with my friends. Before one of them had a heart attack and went to the hospital. Stents were inserted and my friend is home, thank all that is good. Gosh, if I lived there I would have been able to be moral support. I remember seeing my friends’ faces on that last call and feeling my eyes well up with love for both of them. I love our calls.

When my friend got home from the hospital, she found a key from one of her sisters. It was a key to the TARDIS. Gosh, do I wish we had one to go back and forth in time and space and seeing who you want when you want and when you need to.

Anyone want to join on a flight with me on this ‘last call’ phone booth?


Just Jot It January — Change

Change is inevitable.

Too bad this isn’t One-Liner Wednesday. I could let it go at that.  Still, it is Just Jot It January and anything goes. But I feel I would be cheating for me to let it go at that.

Before children and for twenty years my then-husband worked for the state of California. We moved all over the state. I enjoyed that kind of adventure. Heading into a new city and learning my way around. Meeting new friends, and getting to know me in ways I might not have had I stayed in one place all my life. I missed the old friends of my birth city, the place I grew up, and my extended family. I REALLY missed all of them There was never enough time to visit everyone when we came home. But he was my husband, and then my children’s father. His job kept us moving.

By the third pregnancy we ended up in this delightful desert:

This is Joshua Tree National Park in the Mojave Desert. Offsprings three and four were born there and we stayed about seventeen years. Though we stayed in the same place most of that time, raising four meant that everything was changing every day. No time for boring. We did move two more times in that town.

But then came divorce and raising four mostly alone. As the oldest were ready to graduate I figured they needed the big city and university areas and jobs. More change. But there was a beach.

Before you know it empty nest hit. Talk about change! That was and is hard for me. My new hubby and I moved to this desert. It reminds me of the Antelope Valley without the Joshua Trees. I miss those trees!  I miss most of my kids. (One has returned as they do, you know?) And the friends I left behind.  All their lives are changing, too.

I have new regrets being here as a friend was in the hospital and I knew I couldn’t go be with her. As we are aging more things are going weird, ya know?

Weather and its changes –yeah, no snow right now. Buds on trees thinking it’s spring. But it is only January!

So this was a meander around in my thoughts. But the ideas just pop around thinking about change.

Per Linda:

Today’s prompt comes to us compliments of Wendy. Thank you so much, Wendy! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 24th, 2020, is “change.” Use the word “change” any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Janet gave us our prompt word for today. Thanks so much, Janet! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 23rd, 2020, is “drive.” Use the word “drive” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Drive equals passion. Passion may include romance but in my life passion is what you live for. In my past this was my passion:

Not so much the roses or that is it a keyboard. But piano, music, voice. I felt most alive when in that element. As with reading my tracking has made reading music very difficult and headache-inducing. But I have found that my passions have a good shift control in that they can be redirected.

A lifetime passion has been the beach. Though I haven’t been for a couple years I tucked the experience into my cellular memory. I can go to the beach in my dreams, in my meditations any time I need to smell, feel the spray, feel the heat of the sand, hear the waves, envision myself walking or dancing at the beach or swimming in the surf.

But every day, this is what drives me:

I know to some this is boring. But during the time I am learning new stitches, feeling soft yarn, I can go to the beach or sing or think of my next story, or binge the next show.

Speaking of which, this is the show I’m bingeing now:

I’m watching it on Hulu. If you want to watch you have to be quick as it is leaving Hulu soon. It is sweet and fun to get to know the characters. A couple of the main characters just got their driver’s license. There. I managed to use a version of the word one more time!


I wish good health to all my friends!


Just Jot It January and One-Liner Wednesday are brought to us by Linda G. Hill.


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