Category: Disabilities

Today was the long awaited consultation appointment for possible cataract surgery.  It didn’t happen.

It has been nearly a year since I was told I had very bad cataracts. One eye (I call my reading eye) couldn’t even see the big black E. But even my good ‘distance’ had developed a cataract. I can still see to drive, and with reading glasses I can read a bit on my phone about 7″ from my eyes. This is still difficult and hurts my hands. Not to mention that every word I type has to be corrected.

So we had this appointment set up during the pandemic. Last week we got a call that I needed to get my Primary Care Physician to send approval.

That’s crazy. I had called my insurance to find the first ophthalmologist. You would think that when the eye doctor referred me to the surgeon it would be okay.

Nope. PCP needed to approve. And she was out of town last week. So yesterday I had to go see her. She said she’d get on it. Don’t worry just go to the eye surgeon.

You know that niggling feeling you get? Yeah. I decided we needed to call before driving two hours only to be turned away.

When I say ‘we’ it is because my husband is a great advocate for me. When I feel overwhelmed he will go to bat.

Hey, Chris:

Anyway, sure enough the fax didn’t make it and by the time it did it was going to be too late for the appointment.

I asked if there were helps for people like me who had trouble seeing. They just said ‘no’. I know there are but you need a doctor to sign off on them.

I’m a baby-boomer. I know I’m not alone in this. We’re not making enough money to have any choices but where’s the help?

Insurance robs me on every check. But where are they when patients and doctors agree treatment is necessary?

Okay, if you made it this far you win. ❤🤗😘🤷‍♀️

Thank you for reading my rant.

But happy last day of summer!

The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of DepressionThe Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression by Andrew Solomon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I don’t know who recommended this book for me. Whoever, thank you! This was so interesting!

Having borrowed the Libby audio narrated by the author, I now hope to buy the book someday.

The thing is, this is more than a book about depression, or even one person’s account of his own journey. This book includes a bit of history of the diagnosis and treatment for centuries. It also includes how the disorder affects different socioeconomic sets of people.

I highly recommend this for anyone who has gone through depression or know of others who might be suffering. It leads to not only a deeper understanding, but medical issues and ways to find health.

View all my reviews

Per Linda:

Our prompt today comes from Dan. Thank you, Dan! Make sure you visit his blog to read his post and say hello. And follow him while you’re there, if you aren’t already!

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 16th, 2020, is “experience.” Use the word “experience” any way you’d like. Enjoy!

A rollercoaster experience in your youth is the most delightful ride. But when you are arthritic the above rollercoaster is agony. I was going along quite well, knitting some soft slipper socks and enjoying recorded programs we missed while bingeing Gilmore Girls (review to come later–loved it, by the way). Suddenly my body is singing Them Bones, Them Bones. You never realize how them bones connect until that barometric pressure shouts, “Buckle those seat belts!”

The snow is beautiful. The humidity is keeping us warmer than without. In other words, low thirties, high twenties, rather than the teens or below. My laundry got done. So lots to be happy about. But I might not be able to stay in the living room. Whoever thought a recliner could hurt so much? And who wants to go to bed at 7PM? Not to sleep. But to sit on the bed in half lotus as that is what feels best. I can still knit, read, watch shows, fold laundry but I don’t feel as mobile as I do when out in the living room.

Two hours ago I would have written a far different blog. But, just keeping the blog an honest and personal experience. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a couple hours. That makes me lucky. Others have to continue in whatever pain they are in. Mine will lessen. In my experience, enough distraction and a couple Advil will make it all tolerable.

via Working On Us- Passive Suicidal Ideation 

This is worth the read. If my computer were less glitchy I’d add to the responses. Meanwhile, read my friend, Sadje’s response.

“Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “co-” Find a word that uses “co” as a prefix and use it in your post. Have fun!” Thanks, Linda!

Cohabitation is difficult at best. I have been living that position all of my life. First with my parents and brothers. Then with my first husband and then my four kids. Finally, after kids moved on, my second husband. Cohabitating with only one person happened twice for a couple years. Each time was the honeymoon phase of marriage. That meant alone time happened on the occasion. Whoopee! You would think that this second time would have lasted. But, alas, my brother needed somewhere to live. Then there were three. And within the last two years, my oldest needed a place to live. Four.


The thing l have learned in living with others is coadapting. Everyone has their housekeeping standards Some way less than others. Learning to pick my battles leaves me with an environment far messier than I would like. But with the fibro and arthritis, my disabilities keep the housework Hanna in me to a minimal. Leaving all the indoor and outdoor work to the guys. Getting upset if it isn’t to my standards, only causes me to have more pain.

So, here’s to co-adaptivity! Attributes here.

Housekeeping, Cleaning, Cartoon Character, Idea

Yeah right. In my dreams!


Wow. I just changed my physical calendar. That’s how out of it I feel. Those trips to the ER/Bend are so hard on me, especially when we don’t get home until 4:00AM and asleep at 5:00AM. We slept well past noon. Just exhausted. STILL two days later. We should be celebrating the relocated shoulder.

Maybe some won’t understand the extreme tiredness that happens to those of us with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, arthritis, etc. The days of a quick recovery and getting back to business takes a lot longer.

Lots of naps as just sitting around doing less than nothing happens as I try to get something done. Yeah. Laundry did happen. Three loads felt more like 50 loads. I should know. I had four kids so I know laundry.

It is exciting to know that Snowmageddon has calmed down. The temps are higher, the snow is melting. Maybe March is going to be better than February? I sure hope so. When I finally recover I hope the mud and ice are gone so I can get outside and walk, and maybe get rid of some ‘guilt’bushes (sage that is growing to close to the house presenting a fire hazard).

I tried a new Yoga today but I don’t think I’m ready so as of tomorrow I’ll get the chair yoga going again.

There is a lot more to say but the energy is gone. Maybe I’ll get back to it tomorrow.

Stream of Consciousness Saturday is a challenge brought to us by Linda G. Hill.

Chair Yoga. Check. How can I be sore after that? I am.

#fibromyalgia, #arthritis, #seniors, #disabilities, #Yoga With Adriene,


Thanks, Linda for the fun of both of these challenges. Does it matter that there are several sentences in my one line?

Learn one phrase that will help you build problem solving skills in kids this school year. If your child says, “I can’t” or wants to give up, this is the best response.

Source: 5 Powerful Words That Will Build Problem Solving Skills for Kids

Service Dog


It suddenly occurred to me today how I can help Kali not be left at home alone. She has separation anxiety and will tear up the place if left alone. That was why her MamaLaura (my daughter) had to giver Kali to me. She had to go to work and leave the poor pup alone. We are retired so there is almost always someone here so she is never alone. But should I need to go to the city (an hour and a half away) on the senior bus it might be that she wouldn’t be happy. But there might be a time when I need to go to the doctors or something.

So I was looking at this page: United States Service Dog. Has anyone done this? It says I don’t need a doctor’s note though I could probably find my doctors who put me on disability ages ago. She does help me feel better just by being so cute! She’s been well trained as far as simple commands. I think she’d do well on the bus just sitting with me and giving me the pain distractions I need to get through the rough part of the trip.

It is very beautiful (scenic) to see but the road itself is so full of potholes and my tailbone usually hurts so bad by the time we get to town that I can barely walk. After a full day, coming home is even worse, especially if it is dark and I have nothing to distract me from the pain that is so unbearable that I have to sit straight up and not lean back. Then it starts hurting my whole back. Once I am home I feel crippled for a week. It sets off huge fibro flares that make me worthless to do anything but sleep.

Look, I know that having the dog with me won’t prevent a lot of that pain, but it may make it a little easier to deal with. Does that make sense?

Now I just need to figure out how to afford it. I’d love her to have the vest and all, but even the basic (just a certificate and ID card) is $69. Is this a good idea or am I on another wild goose chase that wouldn’t help either of us and money out for nothing????? Are there things I need to think about that maybe others have gone through? It seems like a win-win idea but maybe I am being naïve?

Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the WorldTemple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World by Sy Montgomery

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was lucky enough to pick this up from my local library system through Overdrive. My friend, Cheryl, wrote an intriguing review that had me searching it out.…

I had hoped to read while listening but the ebook but it didn’t come to me in time. That was okay. It provided my background entertainment while I worked on the charity hats and dolls. The reader, Meredith Mitchell, kept me involved in the story of Temple Grandin’s life.

I have read other books about and by Ms. Grandin. Though this book is for young people, I found it more thorough than the others in covering the aspects of autism, living with it and knowing someone who has it. The author was able to bring this disorder to the understanding that a young person would need.

Something that I felt when reading this book and others about autism is that I think there are levels of this that many of us have. The sensitivities Temple had to scratchy clothing or loud noises or too many people or strong light I can relate to. The inability to connect to others, especially in a crowded room, I can understand, too. Knowing that Ms. Grandin found ways to make her disability work for her in her life gives us all inspiration to see how we can overcome our own problems.

Though this is for children, it is neither a short book nor pablum for babies. I felt there was a lot of depth to the stories told and much to learn for all of us. Please, seek it out and see how you like it.

View all my reviews

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