Archive for April, 2022

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “zip, zero, zilch.” Use one, use ’em all, bonus points if you use all three. Have fun!

Zipping through hours of Diamond Painting and loom knitting socks. And I am having so much fun listening to book 8 of Outlander.

When our weather guy gave us the latest news on our drought, we found zero improvement. We are still at “exceptional” status. Worse than anywhere in Oregon. We are in the Outback or desert. But this has been the driest year since we got here. I have to admit to being really afraid of fire season coming up.

Now, I’ve got to confess, I’ve had yWriter7 open since I woke up early this morning. Zilch. But I promise all of us I will meet my 20k goal before bed tonight. Otherwise I count on zero, zip, zilch sleep.

Autobiographies/memoirs are far harder than making it up in you head and playing with imaginary friends!
Whew! 20,100 words! And that only has me to age 21. So many I’ll set the goal for 20k each month to keep it moving

At least I can sleep tonight.

Heels done. Ankle started on the one on the right.
Almost to the eye of the dragon.
I lowered my goal to 20k. Now to write 3k in two days. Writing fantasy is so much easier than real life. Especially when dealing with the memory of a 72 year old. Who knew there’d be so much ‘research’?

Anansi BoysAnansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Lenny Henry, narrator made this one of the most fun books I’ve read (listened to) in a long time. There were so many quotes that I wanted to put into my blog. But that would be spoilers. Go to GoodReads and look them up once you’ve read this book. I would be doing my diamond painting and then suddenly I’d have to stop because I would be laughing out loud. I’d have to calm down before trying to place the little gem into the picture.

What can I say about Neil Gaiman that hasn’t been said? His writing and imagination is fantastic.

This is considered book 2 of the American Gods. But I don’t know if you need to read that first. I did read AG a bit ago and loved it, too. But it isn’t necessary to enjoy this shorty but goody. Okay, maybe it isn’t so short. But after the tomes of Outlander this was a nice break.

I only decided to read this because Whoopi Goldberg is going to star in the theatrical version. Now I can hardly wait to see it!

View all my reviews

One-Liner Wednesday

Things. They came up. That’s what things do. They come up. I can’t be expected to keep track of them all. Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (the fun book I’m listening to right now, lots of quotes!)

My contribution to One-Liner Wednesday.

An Echo in the Bone (Outlander, #7)An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Below is my first review of this Audio version of the book. Nothing has changed. This is still my favorite Outlander book. It was great to read it as this season of Outlander streams. In fact, the scene from a couple of weeks ago I had just read the same day. Claire got sick. I’ll write no more about that without spoilers.

I took longer to read (listen) this time. Instead of knitting, I spend the listening time on Diamond Painting a series of dragons. I can only devote an hour or so to that endeavor. So with the before-bed read and creative pursuits, I couldn’t read straight through. I am already set up to read book 8. It’s like I can’t remember what happened next, yet I kind of remember and can’t wait to revisit it all.

This book may be my favorite of all the Outlanders. Maybe because of how I chose to read it nearly 24/7. After all, I had reached the skinny-mini underbelly of all streamings–teens or young people who look like Barbie Dolls going through the samo-samo life issues. Give me some older adults, women of all shapes and colors, real people, not Hollywood mothers, whores, or weaklings. Not enough streaming of strong women holding up half the world. So back to reading the only way I could. Audible.

Also, I was making scrubbies and washcloths while listening. That helped me ‘hear’ better.

By constant reading, I could stay in the story better. And family members came and listened with me on occasion. So it wasn’t a lonely process.

At any rate, I loved watching the cast of the characters struggle with life and time travel issues and historical moments. I especially loved the parts about Brianna and Roger at Lallybroch recovering letters from Claire and Jamie. And though I used to find Willy obnoxious, I think I clicked with him this time. And I grew more in love with John Grey. How nice to see good, honest, quality men portrayed.

I tried to find something else to read last night as my bedtime read but couldn’t resist looking for more Outlander. Now I am listening to book 8, Written In My Own Heart’s Blood.

Time to lower my reading goal as I seem stuck in tome reading. I love it! I hope you get the chance to read these. Oh, and Davina Porter does so many voices so well. I still wish for more actual actors, for sometimes Bri and Claire sound the same, and all the children sound the same, and Roger, even with his sore throat, sounds like other men. Still, for one person covering so many people, Davina is fantastic!

View all my reviews

Made It Monday

One dragon finished and kitted down.

And the next kitted up,

And started.

Now it’s writing time.

Hey, WordPress, I do my Duo and then I blog. EVERYDAY! Why do you have me at such a low number?

Almost finished with my dragon.

Maybe finishing tomorrow.

Second sock nearly caught up with first sock. Heels start tomorrow.

And memoir is coming along.

I only need 8,590 words and can get there writing 1,227 a day. No prob, right?

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “too/to/two.” Use one, use ’em all, bonus points if you use all three. Extra bonus points if you start your post with one. Enjoy!

Too often I tell myself I can’t, I’m too young, I’m too old, I’m too female, I’m too tomboy, too something to do a thing. But when I can be of two minds, I can see that perfection is really what’s stopping me.

I wonder if a bird sings for perfect pitch and rhythm. Maybe the mockingbird works towards being the best mimic.

Maybe those birds in Central America that dance work on their beats.

But the cream that rises to the top is the rarity. That raven outside ain’t even trying? Nah. He’s just being a raven.

Two minds means I can work to do my best but be happy with small, sparrow size accomplishments. Those starlings have managed with persistence to make another nest in our attic. We have tried everything to discourage them. They never look at a blueprint and care nothing about zoning laws.

Not my photo but I never have my phone ready when our home-invaders are on the rails.

And you should see the pair loving, and arguing. It takes two!

Writing, dotting, knitting, chatting with friends. What a great day!

I seem to manage two hours a day with diamonds and audible.
Sock one and sock two. #1 is ready to heel.
10k to reach the goal by 4/31. I think I can…
Grateful for rain!

Saw this on Facebook:

Unfortunately, that is all the music of the day. 😥

But finally got the wordage flowing. With the 25k goal I’m at 13,462. I may have another thousand before bed. So it looks doable again.

Sock 1 is heading for the heel. I’ll probably get there tomorrow.

The end is in sight on this dragon.

I got a lot of listening to book 7 of Outlander while dotting today.
Another crazy April morning!
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