Category: dogs

This came in my memories today.  Kali, Rosey, and Teddy taking over my bed. Now it’s up to Rosey to do the job. 😥

On, the other side, my peacock got a corner filled in.

I worried about the black. But it’s a mixture of dark blues mixed with dark purple and pink. I’m loving it already. I wouldn’t be able to leave the art out with Teddy, or younger Rosey. Kali would have made it more fun as she would have kept me company.

Floundering is almost over. I think I’ve decided to use March for editing to get ready for April’s camp NaNo.

I’m going to be glad not to see this guy every day.

Piglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and His FamilyPiglet: The Unexpected Story of a Deaf, Blind, Pink Puppy and His Family by Melissa Shapiro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, my goodness! This book was fun from the very beginning. My eyes have difficulties tracking to read; even since cataract surgery fixed a lot of my issues, tracking remains nearly impossible. I have been an avid reader since I was little. Reading was slow going, but I got through the ten books allotted by the library every three weeks. The heft of the books was unwieldy, but I didn’t ask for help.

So, I began reading this book on my old phone using the Kindle app. It took me quite a while to get through even half the book. Finally, I caught up with the Libby audiobooks I had checked out, and Piglet became my bedtime book. Now, I could use text-to-speech and speed up the reading quite a bit. And give my eyes a rest.

Another reason I got into this book is my own dog, Kali, passed last spring after being nearly blind and having doggy dementia and bad hearing. It was so hard at the end of her life, but we had such a hard time from the beginning trying to learn from each other that the bond for her was strong in the end. I miss her so much and feel the need to help another dog as soon as I can. Meanwhile, Piglet helped me. Now I feel even stronger about getting another dog. I know there is one out there that needs me as much as I need him or her.

I think this book has a couple of other inspirational stories within. Melissa Shapiro is a veterinarian who tells her story of how she and her husband got together. Then, she shares her children’s aspirations with music. She tells of their college experiences.

By the way, one of her daughters and her husband have honest and raving reviews on the Piglet GoodReads page. I was delighted to read these as I felt I knew them from the book.

This book is full of the good feels a person needs these days. I look forward to looking all over the internet to find videos and follow the dogs, Melissa, and her family, and all the good they are doing for disabled people and animals.

View all my reviews

When I feel I am floundering, I need to remember the floundering Ms. Shapiro and her husband went through with that one-pound blind, deaf puppy screaming his needs to them. Floundering is how one finds one’s balance. That is what February gives me. Meanwhile, today my turtles got a little more colorful.

Just Jot It January, Despair

 Carol Anne’s blog brings us today’s prompt, “despair.”

JusJoJan is Linda’s fun place to start.

The despair I had when Kali and, within a short while, Teddy crossed the Rainbow Bridge is still hanging on. I don’t know if you ever get over losing someone, even or especially our beloved pets. Even though it was last Spring, these last two losses are still heavy in my heart.

My hair was long when I first met her. Little did I know then that she would be my best buddy for sleeping and walking and chatting.
Teddy jumped into a friend’s car at 3 AM when she was coming to visit us. Just a kitten. Our friend called her mother during the day to look for a possible owner in Garden Grove. Teddy loved the long drive. They didn’t find anyone, so he became ours. He loved getting out on a leash. He could fly between beds even into his last couple of weeks alive. He divorced me when Kali came but toward the end of both of their lives he started sleeping with Kali and I.

We just watched Dogs.

We watch a lot of vet and zoo shows. I can’t help but think there is a dog that needs me as much as I need her/him.

What hit me was the kind priest who loved dogs near the end of the second season of Dogs and the despair those poor dogs felt living on the street with no one to love them. I believe there is a sweetie or two out there for me. That is the hope that heals my sadness.

Found on Facebook

Best audience for music or read aloud! I miss my Kali and Teddy.

One-Liner Wednesday

A new pet battery instead of a dog. (Glad the truck runs but didn’t have time to drive to the shelter and to the doctor appointment.)


Empty Progress

The math of 14×1667=

Yeah. I do more math during NaNo than the rest of the year!

My friend and I are both behind. We are finding zooming sprint sessions helps a lot. So we’re going to try one more this evening.

I’ll write a blurb as soon as I know where these characters lead me.

Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment, X-ray to see what could be causing my blood pressure issues. My friends have diagnosed POTS but we’ll see.

To make it worth our while, we plan on getting shopping done, and a battery bought, and dog hunt. I so miss Kali. I want another dog! So I guess that’s a couple requests for good thoughts and prayers.

Maybe there’s a dog out there that needs me as much as I need a dog?

One-Liner Wednesday

A pure bread dog to make you smile. (Thanks Facebook)
Participating in Linda’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt.

Manifesting Monday. I found a pup like I want:

If you haven’t seen this show, it is a heart warmer.

I fell in love with the above pup. Criteria: female, fixed, vaccines, calm but enjoys walks and outings with me. Easily trained, already house trained. Not a fussy eater, but not a kitty litter consumer. Loves being bathed, nails trimmed. Loves being a lap pup. But enjoys alone time. Playful, enjoys toys. Healthy mind, body. Can read the humans. Get along with cats or other dogs. Knows we love her and loves us back. Soft little ears. Cuddles. This or better for the greater good of all of us.

Meanwhile, I finished these:

The yarn was soft. I’m done with double pointed needles for a while. I’m glad I know how.
Look at the right sock! Finally the toe is happening. I still don’t know who will get these. They are smaller than most people I know. It may be they will go to the charity. Again, I think I’m done with shorter needles. I prefer long cables. These tiny things hurt after a while.
This is my favorite pair. I think they will be mine! I’m at the heel stage which means they’ll be done soon.

Memories Monday

I was just researching my first blog about Kali. Maybe the archives don’t go back to December 9th, 2016. That’s the day Laura, my daughter brought Kali to me. The first blog I can find is This One. There is a picture of me from when Kali was still my grandpuppy and lived with Laura.

Now, this picture will make me cry forever. Kali is so sweet and full of energy. It is hard to remember her from back then. But if you do a search on the name Kali on my blog, you will see she even had her own blog for a while.

Please forgive me as I journey down memory lane.

As I said, Kali was Laura’s dog. They were inseparable. Laura took her everywhere. They shared a home with Logan, her brother, and Vader, Logan’s huge dog. Sometimes my brother and I would pet sit if the offspring had to go to a place where dogs weren’t allowed. Kali would sleep with me. Vader would sleep with my brother.

I felt we connected during those short visits.

Soon Laura decided it was time to get her own apartment. Kali didn’t like being alone while Laura went to work. Separation anxiety caused Kali to rip up Laura’s apartment.

Our house had four adults home all the time. We all thought we might be able to help her. And so it was decided Laura brought Kali to me on my birthday in December 2016. Doesn’t that seem a long time ago?


Please excuse me while I curse internally for a moment. I had a LONG blog ready to publish and only the top bit was saved. I am going to attempt to rewrite the WHOLE thing, even though it was full of painful memories. But I best get on with it.


Kali, a rat-terrier, had a lot of energy. We rarely had a quiet day at first. And that was good for me. Even though it was a very cold winter, I had to take her outside. I got a good tam that first year. We did a lot of playing in the yard or taking walks. She loved rides in the truck.

If you wanted to see a dog dancing pirouettes pull out the leash. It was hard to hold still but she wanted to go badly enough that she’d hold still to let you put on the harness or the coat if needed.

But she had social anxiety and couldn’t tell who was good or bad. She might attack the sweetest dogs and made some walks very scary for me.

After three donut turns at night, Kali would curl up in her ‘donut dog’ shape and sleep with me. It made me laugh every night.

Before Kali came it was only Teddy and Rosey. Teddy divorced me the minute Kali moved in. I tried to explain to him that I still loved him but he wouldn’t sleep with me or sit on my lap for the longest time. Only recently did he come back to me sleeping in the bed and spending lap time. I’m glad he forgave me before he left us for that rainbow bridge a few weeks ago.

Though we only had her for seven years it seem like we were together forever. Kali was a part of my daily life. Even with her quirks, she was my best friend.

In the last few months Kali was diagnosed with doggy’s Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cataracts. Her inability to see and her confusion would have her lost in a corner here or there. She was in a lot of pain and we finally had to give up outside jonts as she could get hurt falling up or down the steps or get lost in bushes. We lined our house with piddle pads and eased her shame that it was all she could do. I gradually had to have her sleep on a little bed at the foot of my bed. I felt badly that she couldn’t sleep with me but she fell off the bed so many times and I was always scared she might hurt herself. This whole process was so painful for all of us. From the high energy of her youth to seemingly older than us in the end. Taking care of an elder dog is heartbreaking.


I know there was more here but I forgot what I wrote drat it!


So the last couple weeks she just got more and more tired, just laying at first on the sofa but soon even that was too dangerous so we would scoope her up and put her on either the bed in our room or the bed in the living room where she was right on the floor.

The last few days she gave up food and water. We could no longer give her the pain meds as they needed food or she’d get sick. This was so hard. Look up what to expect from a dying dog. She was all that list. The only good was she preferred lap time with me and I would spend that time talking to her and petting her ears. She loved that.

We live so far from a vet that the trip to have her euthanized seemed crueler than just easing her with love. Yes there was pain but that trip is very painful.

We four adults took shifts in the last days so that she was never alone. We did all we could to keep her comfortable and knowing she was loved.

At 5:11 this morning my husband woke me (I’d just gone to bed at 3:30) and told me that Kali went peacefully.

I woke to an already cleaner house as my brother had picked up and thrown away all the piddle pads and all the bedding and towel were in the washer. He even had a small funeral with the little cat outside as witness. We were all wet faced for several days. Kali is missed. How many dogs love loom knitting?

Here’s a little poem my husband, Chris created with the IA program.

A loyal friend who loved to play, 

A furry companion who brightened each day, 

A faithful pet who stole our hearts, 

Our beloved dog who now departs. 

With wagging tail and happy bark, 

You greeted us each time we embarked, 

On walks and runs and games of fetch, 

Your presence made us feel so blessed. 

You snuggled close on cold, dark nights, 

Your warmth and love were shining lights, 

You listened closely to our tales, 

And licked our tears when we felt frail. 

But now you’re gone and we’re alone, 

Our hearts are heavy, our souls are moan, 

We’ll miss your smile, your silly ways, 

And cherish memories of better days. 

Rest in peace, dear furry friend, 

Your love and loyalty will never end, 

Though you’re no longer by our side, 

In our hearts, you’ll always reside. 

Made by Chris 

Your prompt for #JusJoJan the 28th and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “throw in the towel.” Use the phrase “throw in the towel” somewhere in your post. Enjoy!

The piddle cleaning solution says to soak up said piddle with a towel before applying product.

Wall-to-wall piddle pads don’t prevent all piddles. And so at said piddles we throw in the towel.

Alas. Love the old gal. We’ll miss her when she’s gone, but towels will live another day for being thrown.

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