Archive for September 17, 2013

Review: Ann Angel’s Freedom

Ann Angel's Freedom
Ann Angel’s Freedom by Katharina Gerlach
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: This was a free ebook, from the author, for honest review.

If Little House on the Prairie was set in Germany during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, and the main character was in her early teens, it might be this book. I liked the characters. The author did a good job bringing this person, Anna Angel, to life. I know I will think on this book often in the future.

What I found hard to deal with, and this is due to my needing to use text-to-speech, were the use of the closing single quote for an apostrophe. The author used a lot of contractions so I had to get used to hearing the words broken up. I don’t know if that was due to rules of writing in German or what. The other thing was the use of German words where I think an English word would have worked. I’ve taken a couple semesters of German and enjoyed a bit of it. Those long combination nouns are fun to interpret.

I wish I would have known of the Glossary at the back of the book. I know it would include a lot of extra work to make links to the words so that one could click on the word, find out the definition or history to that work and then allow the back arrow to carry one back to where they left off in the story. But that is just a minor wish on my part.

At about 60% into the book, the action picked up enough that I had to stay awake until I finished the book. I do wish to know more about Angel that the quick blurb at the end of the book. Maybe a story to include the facts mentioned there? One can only hope. Danke schön, Katharina Gerlach, for letting me read your novel.

View all my reviews


In reply:

Initial post: Sep 21, 2013 9:39:02 AM PDT
I’m sorry for the interruption in the text-to-speech feature. I will go through the eBook again and see if it is feasible to swap the quotes for apostrophes. I didn’t even know this could cause trouble (actually I didn’t even know there was a difference 😉 ).

I tried to link the words in the glossary to the words in the text but that didn’t work out because some were used more than once.

I’m glad you liked the story. Thank you for your review.

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