Idolmaker by Jonelle Patrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Disclaimer: I was given this complimentary copy of Idolmaker by the author, Jonelle Patrick for an honest review.


I can’t believe I am finished with yet another of the Tokyo Mysteries. I so love this series. Though I have tagged this as romance, it isn’t led by that squishy, gooey stuff rather, these are people and caring is a part of their being.


These books do start with a murder and a wonder as to who did it and why. But the most important feature of the books is the character driven adventure of the two main characters, Yumi and Kenji. Thrown in the recent historical event of earthquake and tsunami, the criminal investigation is thrown for a loop.


The characters are believable and likable. I feel I have become friends with them through Jonelle Patrick’s ability to write from each character’s point of view.


Oh, what the couple goes through! Then the book wraps up nicely with only a small thread that gives promise that I don’t have to give up on my favorite Japanese couple. 🙂


Thanks for letting me read this, Jonelle!


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Location of Tokyo within Japan

Location of Tokyo within Japan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)