Sticks, Stones, and Dragon Bones III
Sticks, Stones, and Dragon Bones III by Evelyn Ink
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, thank you, Evelyn Ink, for letting me read this delightful series and especially this one. This was, in fact, a free-for-review read from Smashwords.

This was a perfect bedtime book. Let me take a moment to say that I have discovered a way to read on my tablet after my husband is asleep. I have downloaded Moon Reader Pro which has the text-to-speech feature. Sure I could have listened on my Kindle but I wanted to read along without turning on the lights. As a kid I used to sneak the flashlight under the covers to read when I was supposed to be asleep. How I wish Ms. Ink’s books and the technology of today was there for me way back when!

Boys: Read this!

Girls: Read this!

These books are about a group of siblings that have been allowed to follow their passions. The youngest, twins, are into pirates and have their own lingo the the older siblings must learn to interpret. The older sisters are forced to care for their younger sisters while drawn into an adventure none have chosen. They are stuck in a world without their parents and must learn who to trust. They decide that they are their own authorities on their lives. All are smart kids who occasionally make mistakes. Meanwhile the action and adventure are highly fun and scary!

Anyone who is starting on book 1 at this point is lucky. I think I might have been better off to read these all in a row. I had a hard time remembering some of the previously met characters and places. Most of the time Ms. Ink gave enough hints that I would be drawn back in. But there were a couple times I felt lost. I don’t blame the author for this. I do have a memory like a sieve. But even then I kept reading and enjoyed the ride.

I could see these books made into movies equal to Harry Potters or Narnia. Again, I say: Where were these books when I was a kid? All adventure books were about boys. Girl books were prissy and boring. Smart readers everywhere will love the characters and the scary fun presented here.

I could go on, but I think I’ve covered everything. Please read these books! FUN!!!

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Moon Reader Pro

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