Archive for November 27, 2013

Creative Writing with the Crimson League

waste-basket-1218052-mAfter this month’s series of posts on common mistakes authors make with plot–everything ranging from plot holes to not making the “big” moment big enough–I realized that writing mistakes can be a scary thing for a writer, especially a fledgling writer. And I wanted to address that.

We writers should all, of course, strive to make as few mistakes as possible. To make our stories, our grammar, our style as solid as possible. But that doesn’t mean we have to fear making mistakes.

Writing mistakes can be positive experiences. No, seriously…. They’re frustrating, and discouraging, and for that reason it’s important to find a community of writers to support you through the tough times. But equally important is remembering that your writing mistakes can be something to be thankful for.

Believe me, I have my share of awful writing saved on my hard drive. And here’s why I’m proud of…

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Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a second reading for this series. I loved these books so long ago, and find I am excited to be back in Pern. I didn’t change my star rating as they are just as wonderful now as when I read them the first time.

The difference, this time, is I had the Audible version to listen to while keeping track on the Kindle version, and in the huge book version, Dragonriders of Pern, that contains Dragonflight, Dragonquest and White Dragon. My eyes couldn’t stay with the book version at all. The font was too small.

This Audible version had Dick Hill as narrator. His deep voice resonated within me, especially when he did the voice for Robinton. Oh, how I had missed that Masterharper! Mr. Hill was able to keep the characters different while not making the females sound silly. In fact, I think his strength was in drawing out Lessa’s personality.

My soul misses Anne McCaffrey and her wit and imagination. At least we still have all her books to immerse ourselves in.

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