Saving Mars
Saving Mars by Cidney Swanson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh my! I finished this book two days ago. Why haven’t I written a review yet? Because it was so good I couldn’t wait to read the next book. Oops! I have no self-control when it comes to good books!

If you love science fiction with a spot of fantasy thrown in this is the book for you.

It fit all my criteria for my recent reading goals. This had a strong main character, who happened to be female. This character was flawed as were the other folks that people this novel and its planets. This story is quite accessible to male readers, too. And though I tagged it as Young Adult, I think any age would love it. It may have a few concepts too strong for little ones, but even those could be conversation starters. I would say this is easily rated G. Not to mention this old lady LOVED it!

All that said… As I mentioned before, I have book two already started, but I worried. I didn’t have book three. Today I saw that the box set of the trilogy was $.99. Grabbed it! Hope it is still on sale tomorrow for the rest of you! Sorry I am so late to let you all know.

Now back to reading.

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