Eat Like A Farm Girl: 3 Ingredient Plant Based Recipes
Eat Like A Farm Girl: 3 Ingredient Plant Based Recipes by Jennifer Prince
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If you are into recipes, this is your book.

Me? I hate cooking. I fell for this because of the 3 Ingredient Plant-Based part of the title. I am, for the most part a vegan who is gluten-free and must watch my sugar and fat intake. This book didn’t give me 3 ingredients ever. I was very confused by that. In fact, if I followed this diet I would violate nearly all my diet restrictions.

I liked reading about the author’s lifestyle. Having raised chickens, ducks and goats on an acre no-kill ‘farm’ and greenhorn at gardening, I loved reading about how it is supposed to be done. I so miss living in the country where I could have all those animals. I did eat the eggs and milked the goats. But I haven’t been able to eat eggs for a long time. Maybe there are too many hormones and the like in the grocery store eggs.

As for the rest of the book, I found the author repeated herself in the set up. The part that is about the problem at hand and how she has the answer. That got old for me. Then came the many recipes involving lots of ingredients that are not available for me, or that I can’t eat. Some do look delicious, though.

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