Archive for April 10, 2014

The ‘Best Exercise’ For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia: Laurie Hope on Qigong :: Health RisingHealth Rising.

Power of Vitamin D
Power of Vitamin D by Sarfraz Zaidi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is, I think, the third book on the importance of Vitamin D in our lives that I’ve read recently. And I have to say this was the best written of them all. Though not as personable as the others, the design with the references at the end of each chapter, made it so much easier to get through. I could use the text-to-speech to save my eyes the strain and merely turn that feature off to page down to the next chapter without hearing long streams of numbers, dates, and names.

This was probably the most conservative of the books. Doctor Sarfraz Zaidi tended to recommend far less Vitamin D than the other authors had. He did admit, though, that there were very few studies of actual Vitamin D toxicity from overdose, which reflected what I read in the other ebooks about the subject. This would be a great book to start with in researching this important vitamin. It really isn’t a vitamin, but a hormone that we are globally deficient in.

On a personal note, one doctor told me I was deficient. The next doctor told me I was too high in Vitamin D. So I feel I have first-hand experience with the lack of knowledge that the medical world has. So I have taken the advice of all three books in upping my supplementation of D. I believe that my experience with ‘fibromyalgia’ is merely my deficiency of Vitamin D. As soon as I can I will have a better view of whether or not this is true. I am being cautious and not taking nearly what was recommended in the other two books. The only variable that concerns me is Summer. I always feel better in the Summer. Hopefully, by next Winter, I will have caught up on the vitamin. Maybe next year I won’t be stuck in bed all the time.

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