Archive for April 17, 2014

Paint Stop Boom
Paint Stop Boom by Anna Sarelas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Are you looking for something different? THIS is it! I don’t even know where to start with this book. I have had this on my to-read shelf for a couple years. To be honest the picture of a bomb on the cover kept me from reading it. Then, somehow, I had it mixed up with another book with a similar title that I had read a few pages and decided it wasn’t for me at the time. So… I have been trying to go through my lists and finding the oldest books recommended by authors. I know. My bad! But I would like to catch up with newer read-for-review books.

Can you tell I am putting off talking about this book? I still have no idea what to say about it. I finished it last night with enough time to start my next read. I couldn’t stay with the thoughts of this review no matter how hard I tried.

Impression: My shoulderblades and arms hurt from reading this book. If you read it it might affect you that way.

You have to put realism on the shelf with this one. There ya go, let it go. That done, I liked the characters, a lot. I grew to love them all, faults and all. Anna Sarelas had a way of writing that kept me reading, kept me caring. I loved her poetic flair. All my senses were involved engaging emotions most books don’t go near.

YET… I still couldn’t love it. Not sure who would. As a writer, I feel richer from reading this book, again, for the good and the bad. There were editing issues here and there, not enough to interrupt the read. Prose that made me sit up and notice. Prose that made me wish I could write like that. I probably won’t forget this book. Yet, I can only say I liked it. I didn’t love it. I challenge you all to read it to see what you think.

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