Archive for July 30, 2014

The Sound of Crickets
The Sound of Crickets by Marissa Farrar

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bittersweet blogging. Those are the words that stand out in my mind when thinking about this book. I finished it last night just before Sandman Time. So I was left hoping I could remember to do the review justice when I finally put fingers to keyboard.

For my blogging friends, the senarios presented are not so far fetched. We find people we consider friends, from all over the world, with differing opinions, who we have never met. We care deeply when they report of illness or loss in their lives. We feel anger when we see that they are making mistakes that we know they must to learn who they are. We feel elation at those finding love or giving birth. We share ‘Ah ha!’ moments together and wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?” when they present simplistic marvels within their blogs. Most of all we enjoy support and support others in the process. The Sound of Crickets embraced it all.

Spoilers keep wanting to slip out as I write this. Though at times in the book, you can see what is coming, still it is lovingly fed out to us, byte by byte. There are a few laugh out loud moments and others where you might need your kleenex, but it is worth the ride.

By the way, don’t feel like you wouldn’t know what to do with a book that blogs out the lives of four women. If you love books using letter, email, or tweets to convey the story, this works just as well. The fact, that these four didn’t know each other at all when they set up this blog leads us all through their getting to know each other and themselves while living their lives.

I wanted a book that would help me relax and go to sleep. The title drew me in. But this book isn’t boring at all. No, it isn’t a thriller/suspense novel, but the characters draw you in and lead you down roads that you might not expect. It gives a glimpse of humanity at its best and most human. I do hope others will pick it up as it is worth the read.

Dear Marissa Farrar (author), PLEASE, a sequel??? I want to see the characters grow even more, maybe add a few more bloggers?
Bittersweet blogging. Those are the words that stand out in my mind when thinking about this book. I finished it last night just before Sandman Time. So I was left hoping I could remember to do the review justice when I finally put fingers to keyboard.

For my blogging friends, the senarios presented are not so far fetched. We find people we consider friends, from all over the world, with differing opinions, who we have never met. We care deeply when they report of illness or loss in their lives. We feel anger when we see that they are making mistakes that we know they must to learn who they are. We feel elation at those finding love or giving birth. We share ‘Ah ha!’ moments together and wonder, “Why didn’t I think of that?” when they present simplistic marvels within their blogs. Most of all we enjoy support and support others in the process. The Sound of Crickets embraced it all.

Spoilers keep wanting to slip out as I write this. Though at times in the book, you can see what is coming, still it is lovingly fed out to us, byte by byte. There are a few laugh out loud moments and others where you might need your kleenex, but it is worth the ride.

By the way, don’t feel like you wouldn’t know what to do with a book that blogs out the lives of four women. If you love books using letter, email, or tweets to convey the story, this works just as well. The fact, that these four didn’t know each other at all when they set up this blog leads us all through their getting to know each other and themselves while living their lives.

I wanted a book that would help me relax and go to sleep. The title drew me in. But this book isn’t boring at all. No, it isn’t a thriller/suspense novel, but the characters draw you in and lead you down roads that you might not expect. It gives a glimpse of humanity at its best and most human. I do hope others will pick it up as it is worth the read.

Dear Marissa Farrar (author), PLEASE, a sequel??? I want to see the characters grow even more, maybe add a few more bloggers?

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