Secrets (The Steamship Chronicles Book 1)Secrets by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I feel I can claim I am friends with the author, Margaret McGaffey Fisk. She has been an important member of the writing group I belong to. I don’t think that comes into play in this review, first of all because I fell deeply into the world she created, and second because I was saddened to find myself back in reality when I finished this adventure.

Safe Haven began this adventure for me. It precludes the series The Steaamship Chronicles of which this, Secrets, is book 1. I had already fallen in love with the characters, Lily and Samantha. To research the burbs and other reviews please check out Amazon and GoodReads.

Meanwhile, my review. Although this started sadly and then got exciting, it leaves me in the heads of Sam and the boy, Nat. I would guess this is the set up for much more fun ahead.

I wish Samantha was set free to do what she does best, but, again, that will happen, I’m sure, in the next books. There seemed to be times where I tended to put the book aside and attend to other shining things. I don’t remember having that problem in Safe Haven. Maybe it is all my own problems and not that of the author. Maybe I am not in the demographic the book is for. I do know I would have had fun reading this to my children, or had them read it to me way back when.

It is: A great bedtime story, a great for Young Adults as Sam learns to fit in her world. And fun for this old lady!

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