Season of LiesSeason of Lies by Monica Shaughnessy

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Disclosure: This book came to me via BookRooster dot com in exchange for an honest review.

Another disclosure: I had just finished the writing a review when my tablet froze and lost the whole thing. I know it was much better than this one is going to be. Isn’t that the way it is?

By the way, if you are looking for ways to find new books to review, BookRooster gets you fun free ones.

I have had this book for a few years. It is embarrassing to know I have had it that long. Still books don’t spoil while sitting on the shelf waiting for eyes to read them.

Okay, now about the book itself. Though it seems to be a fantasy, girl who has hidden talent, it is a contemporary young adult book. The main character can communicate with animals … or has a mental illness. Possibly killed her brother. Yikes!

As you get to know her, Robin, the main character, grows on you. She is sweet, sensitive, and strong. As you watch her growth you can hardly wait until she come into her own life. I loved all of this and it kept me reading.

What I didn’t like was the accents. This might come across okay to the silent reader. But for those of us that use text-to-speech it is not only annoying but confusing. Even when I haven’t needed to ‘listen’ to my books, this kind of thing is distracting from the main story. I read it on my Moon Reader Pro which sounded foolish at times as it tried to figure out how to pronounce those contracted words. Because of that, I had to pay attention to the written words as I went. Not a great one to listen to on the road or while busy doing other things.

Anyway, I don’t want to discourage anyone who might want to read the book. You might have a better time with it than I did. And I am curious to read other works by this author.

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