Hotter Than Helltown (Preternatural Affairs, #3)Hotter Than Helltown by S.M. Reine

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I was given this ARC edition, by the author, for an honest review.

For something as gruesome and dark as the name implies, Hotter Than Helltown was a fast, exciting read. And funny! I can’t tell you how often I laughed out loud! And there were places of philosophy to make a person stop and think. I like that in a book. I even had to highlight a phrase or two I thought noteworthy. But I don’t want to ruin anyone else’s read by pointing the gems out. Half the fun in is discovery for yourself.

I have grown to like the self-depreciating detective turned witch, Cesar, for his humanity. Though we see him as quite the hunk, he knows he’s not the catch women might think they want. Despite himself he is the reluctant hero of this particular series, Preternatural Affairs. Though you don’t have to read all the books of the series before it, I like that I have the knowledge of S. M. Reine’s worlds.

For an ARC I see less error than I do in many publications out there today. That just proves what a professional author is capable of. Well done, Sara! I can’t wait to read the next one, already cued up!

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