Archive for November 7, 2014

The Scriptorium Daily

The Scriptorium Daily.

Dar49 Daily.

I can’t believe it! In spite of myself, I am still slightly ahead of where I should be. I have 10,709. The goal for the day is 10,002. So that’s good. The story is about to get very exciting as my two main characters are about to be shot at. But it is too late to get into that kind of scene and still be able to go to sleep sometime before 3AM.

I am always surprised at how much I love writing and watching a story unfold itself to me. The stories are almost more exciting than reading someone else’s stories—even better than a lot of TV shows. Most things I can predict where they are going. My own stories surprise me. It is like all I have to do is type and the story spills through.

Well, that’s how it starts. But I know that somewhere about week two and a half or three I will be screaming at the muse for deserting me and the story.

As for the word count. I don’t understand how some of the people in the groups are almost to the 50k within the first week. My fingers and arms would be falling off. Not to mention my head and eyes would be longing for the chopping block. But good for them. Glad they can do it. AND I am thankful for what I can get done.

Hope all of you are doing well with your projects.

Time for quietness. Good night.


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