Time and Time AgainTime and Time Again by Dennis Danvers

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This read took me a long, long time! The font was so small and the lines too close, so I had to take it a couple pages at a time.

Maybe it was the length of time it took me to read it that played into my occasional confusion as to whose head I was supposed to be in. I’ll accept that reason but still, there were other places that I knew I wasn’t confused. For a book that contains news of today, news of a century ago, a journal by Susanna, and a book being written by another woman, main character, Marion Mead… were all written by male author, Dennis Danvers.

Sorry, most of the time I didn’t buy it. I believe Dennis Danvers tried. The writing was good and for the most part I loved the main character. But what was irritating for me were male traits imposed onto the Susanna and Marion.

For the last couple years, I have made it a habit to read books that could fall into the Bechdel test. My own addition, in the case of writing, is that the book be written and star a strong fem. The only reason for this read was this is a BookCrossing hardback that has been in my TBR pile for a too long.

Okay for the nitty-gritty. Susanna’s journal was about the men in her life and how they interact with each other. It even went inside the males heads: this one likes to be plowed hard and fast–or something along those lines. Yeah. Most of the time, we prefer foreplay–please?

I know, this did include the mores of the past where women had no minds of their own as they belong to their fathers or husbands and other than that were old maids or whores. That probably made it easier to write from a woman’s point of view. But even when we were in Marion’s POV there was nothing but male-centric. Sure she had her daughters, and of course she looked like Mary Magdalene. Then finally we had a conversation between Marion and her co-worker, and even that was a conversation about sex with the male.

Oh, off the track a little, one of the reasons I wanted to read this from the beginning was I thought it was about time travel. Nope. Instead, it was more reincarnation. Hope that isn’t a spoiler. But that was part of the well done parts.

Most people wouldn’t notice the picky stuff I I saw. And so I think others will like it better than I did. It certainly was different.

By the way, this is BookCrossing BCID: 046-5591579. I will send it to other people of my group before setting it free.

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