CowgirlCowgirl by Java Davis

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a fun little story. I loved the main character and her independent ways. I loved how caring she was as a person, leaving safety and comfort to protect her younger brother from people who were mean and judgemental. I loved how she invested herself and her monies to those who needed her help. Best of all, I loved that she was a Jewish cowgirl in Nevada. That made a very different novel than other ‘westerns’ I have had experience with.

Unfortunately, I found the writing to be, I don’t know, removed? I never quite felt I was there with the main character on her adventures. Maybe I needed more senses involved? Maybe the passive writing was more passive than I am used to? I really can’t say what it was.

On the other hand, I felt the author took chances with some very brave motives. Hitting on child abuse, sexual preferences, religion, Java Davis, author, handles these themes with finesse. Then, of course, there was a wonderful horse and dog to carry the story the rest of the way. I feel this book could be read by anyone from the young adult on. We all need to see how life was in other times, and for people who are different that ‘average’.

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