A Woman Ignored (A Woman Lost, #2)A Woman Ignored by T.B. Markinson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Know what I hate? Having to wait for the next book! I really love the characters in T.B. Markinson’s series which includes: A Woman Lost (book 1) and A Woman Ignored (book 2). I relate to Lizzie, the main character, a lot.

You know, I have had a hard time figuring out how these two books kept me so enthralled. There was no great mystery to figure out. No one is flying in spaceships. Nor is there a race to the finish of any kind. Yet I could not stop reading until I was finished with this second book. And though there is no cliffhanger, I am holding my breath hoping for the next steps.

I’ve had the kind of mother that Lizzie had. I’ve been through a lot of things like she has. No, I’m not rich with my own trust fund, which means I had to work harder at relating to others and still have a very hard time. Being with people wears me out. I think that is why I found myself reading a lot about autism and Asperger’s syndromes. And often my friends choose to show me how naïve I am. What they don’t understand is that I don’t know any other way of being. Thank goodness they still want to be friends with me, just as Lizzie’s friends cling to her. Ms. Markinson writes her world and characters so realistic that you feel you are hanging out with people you have known forever. And that is why when tragedy strikes it hurts the reader deeply.

If you get the chance to read these two books give them a try. Maybe you can explain how much empathy can be had for a reader. I picked the first one up for free though it is only $2.99 right now. And I see that book two is now free on Kindle Unlimited.

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