Dana's Dilemma: The Morelville Mysteries - Book 3Dana’s Dilemma: The Morelville Mysteries – Book 3 by Anne Hagan

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ask me! Go ahead, ask me why I’m just waking up at 3 in the afternoon. Anne Hagan! I blame her! The third book is the charm-er! I couldn’t stop reading once I started. Granted I started after midnight, but the rest I blame on the author!

There are some hot, hot, hot scenes! Whew! Equal to those is the story that never stops. I feel the two main characters are now well fleshed. Oops, not the word I wanted. Well-developed, hm, that doesn’t say it quite either. Real. Yes. That’s it! They’re real. I feel I know them well, like friends. Strong, smart people keep the three books moving but, this one is the very best of all.

Oh, and for those not given to enjoying the erotic moment or two, there is enough action and on the edge-of-your-seat excitement, well, to keep you from putting the book down and going to sleep when you should!

The sad part? I have to wait until Ms. Hagan give us another! And I can see the direction of the flow of Dana and Mel’s lives. They are alive, right? They aren’t just in my imagination. Right?!

I want to thank Amazon for having this book and others on Kindle Unlimited. I can’t always afford books now that I have “retired” (read: disability). I just hope that the author gets paid well when they allow the use of KU.

Again, way to go, Anne Hagan!!!!!!

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