Archive for May 13, 2015

The Tagger Herd: Sadie TaggerThe Tagger Herd: Sadie Tagger by Gini Roberge

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Since my fund are much tighter this month than ever before, I had to quit my Kindle Unlimited subscription. 😦 But I have one more day to read as many as I can before letting the list of books go. So it was that I decided that since the first three books of this series were free and this one was Kindle Unlimited I had better read it today, too. Not sure if I will be able to get to the rest of this series this month as I do have other books on KU to read, also.

I love how the author, Gini Roberge, has been able to keep my interest while zeroing in on individual children of this extended family. The last being one of the oldest of the kids. This one, Sadie, is around ten, as I recall. Still the story doesn’t feel juvenile. Her cousin, Wade, was featured in book two, so we have gotten to know parenting styles and how they all fit as a family and as the Tagger Herd owners.

As I wrote in my last three reviews of this series, I am quite impressed with the lack of sex, violence or profanity in these books while they are intriguing and aimed at any age group who happens upon them. I love the care of the people and the horses that are shown in these books without any preachiness at all. Just people being people, who love animals. I can’t wait to read more of this series!

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The Tagger Herd: Nikki TaggerThe Tagger Herd: Nikki Tagger by Gini Roberge

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I have read three of these books in one day. I am still in love with this series! The family drama and the herd of horses draws you in and keeps you intrigued as to what will happen next, and to whom.

This book centers around Nikki. She is one of the older ‘children’ being in her twenties now. She is to meet her birth parents in this book. All this family drama while worrying about the ranch and the horses that are still regaining their strength after nearly dying in book one.

The author keeps the story going yet makes it feel very real. I have been quite impressed with all the books so far. They maintain their integrity while abstaining from sex, violence or even profanity. Yet the story ring true from all ages from third or fourth grade through the century mark and beyond if need be.

I love that these are contemporary implementing cell phones, computers and all our modern utilities making the story even more a part of our lives.

While I picked this up for free a while back it is only $2.99 and you can still get it for free on Kindle Unlimited.

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The Tagger Herd: Wade TaggerThe Tagger Herd: Wade Tagger by Gini S Roberge

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am in love with this series! The herd of horses and humans just won my heart over in the first book. Then in this book nearly ten-year-old Wade will wiggle his way into the top of the herd.

Whereas the first book was dedicated to the whole family and the near nearly dead herd of horses, this book is mainly about young Wade and how he broke his arm and the problems and lies that he is working through.

These books are written for any age without sex or violence or even cussing. I know! How can a book be interesting without a little of that? There is no bad guy or high anxiety moments. Just a kid, his family and the horses. Still, take my word for it. These are all great books for everyone.

By the way, I picked this up for free a while back. It is now $2.99 but is still free with Kindle Unlimited.

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