Train to NowhereTrain to Nowhere by Kay Bratt

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Saw this sitting on my carousel, knew I have liked Kay Bratt’s stories before so started reading it last night. Nearly finished reading it before time to sleep. But sleep won. It didn’t take long for me to finish the story win I woke up this morning. It was well worth the read.

Imagine being forced to hop on a train away from you parents just to save you and your family’s lives. And then needing to stay on the train forever just to maintain the illusion that you are part of the Red Guard. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, but it was necessary. So scary. She knows no one, doesn’t know who she can trust. These are the feelings and situations that drive the story.

It was a well-written story. I loved the main character. My biggest complaint was that it was too short. I wanted more. It wasn’t a cliffhanger ending, but I could tell there must be more written about this young girl and her life elsewhere. It just ended too abruptly.

I picked it up for free a while back. It is still free with Kindle Unlimited.

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