Archive for July 16, 2015

Locavore U.S.A.: How a Local-Food Economy is Changing One Community - A Chapter from the Book Change Comes to DinnerLocavore U.S.A.: How a Local-Food Economy is Changing One Community – A Chapter from the Book Change Comes to Dinner by Katherine Gustafson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was an interesting read. Rather than a how-to farm like I have been reading a lot of lately, this was about how to make the urban life work for communities. The author doesn’t offer hard answers to the questions of how to live a more healthy lifestyle, eat organic, chemical-free foods, and try to make money for your community. Instead, she takes us to a couple communities that are trying to do that with food co-ops and community manufacturing plants.

The fun part about this book wasn’t due to what I read. It was how I read it. I just picked up a Kindle Fire 6 HD that has text-to-speech. Oh. My. God! If I thought the 2nd Generation Kindles were good, this wipes them out of the water. I could set the speed of the narrator, who sounded like a real person. And I found that you could download other voices like those with British or Australian accents, male and female. I can hardly wait to use these. And you can download other languages so when I want to play with Spanish or German I will have someone to pronounce these out to me in story form. Seems like a great way to improve language skills.

Anyway, back to the book. I recommend this book to everyone. This is a conversation we all need to get involved in. How healthy is it to eat food shipped from across the continent or even from around the globe. How healthy is it for our planet to keep moving food in this fashion. It is a short read but powerful.

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I know all this personally!


Before we left for vacation, I tried to touch on the angst of anxiety disorder before a trip. I wanted to go into detail about what that’s actually like for so many of us whose brains overshoot the adrenaline. This isn’t a typical post for me, but I got some feedback on that post that made me feel like I had an audience for this.

I can look back now and see that even in my young adult years, I had control issues when it came to my environment. Specifically, coming and going. I set out my clothes the night before school. I made lists. Instead of being picked up, I met most of my dates at the location, I was usually the designated driver when I went out with friends, and I particularly hated waiting for anyone and everyone to be ready to leave, which is why I liked driving —…

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