Archive for August 15, 2015

Sarah, Plain and TallSarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I guess I read this before as I put up a blurb on By the way, the BCID is 019-5283322. But since I am into books about farming right now. And since I am apartment sitting at my friends’ who have this just sitting here, I thought I’d read it again.

Okay, it isn’t Little House on the Prairie but it is sweet. It is for younger children the the Laura Ingalls books are. Still I love its innocence. It seems poetic in rhythm. I found it interesting that the author chose to write from the older daughter’s point of view, yet it seems more to focus on her younger brother, Caleb’s, reactions to this new possible mother.

It’s a quick read, so if you get the chance to read it, treat yourself to a moment of peace.

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