Archive for September 6, 2015

Odds and Ends (Margot and Odds Cozy Mystery Book 1)Odds and Ends by Audrey Claire
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It made me sad that I didn’t like this story more. After all it has a female main character who is not a teenager, is, in fact, a senior citizen. They can have adventures, too, you know! But I’m afraid I could never relate to the main character. She seems so helpless and often foolish. And the other characters were equally less than real.

I did like the cat.

Maybe you will like it more. Could be I am distracted by the move and all. Maybe I’ll try it again after my life settles down.

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A Christmas Gift from the PastA Christmas Gift from the Past by S.A. Molteni
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am not a fan of schmaltzy Christmas stories. Having never had money at that time of year and having four kids that I hoped to buy something for and never could do much…. and other people, grandmothers and friends, had to supply that need (Yes, I am grateful others could gift my children—just wished I could!)… anyway, that time of year always makes me depressed and feeling very Scroogeish.

But since I was reading S.A. Molteni’s other books and this one was free, also, I thought I’d give it a chance. It was a story that warmed my heart and reminded me how great it is to make memories with loved ones. Those are the true gifts.

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Fade to GrayFade to Gray by S.A. Molteni
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

As those of you who follow my reviews know, I do not like short stories. But somehow, this didn’t apply. Since I have already read a few books by the author, S.A. Molteni, I felt I knew the main character, the author herself, pretty well. Thereby, this is just another chapter to her life. And it was one I could relate to. Who would think there was enough to write about in just letting one’s hair go gray?

My own experience is that I have dyed or bleached my hair since I was 18 years old. I never liked my mouse brown/dirty dishwater blonde hair. Going gray is still not the problem. As long as that icky brown is the main color I will continue. I would love to go gray like some of my friends, or white as a co-worker did. So, I am in the same position that Ms. Molteni found herself. I guess it happens to a lot of us as we hit 50 or older. She used the example of Jamie Lee Curtis, but I thought often of Liz Taylor and her many hair color changes. Going natural takes either guts or severe laziness. Of course if we had the money to have that special cosmetologist the author was able to use once–and the patience of Job to sit there that long, maybe we could do this gradually.

Still, her story rings true and fills one with humor about the situation. Will I Fade to Gray? Not yet. I just bought a box of color. Maybe in a few months I’ll revisit the situation. 😉

By the way, picked this one up for free and it still is! Fun read!

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I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Leaving High Tech for Greener PasturesI.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Leaving High Tech for Greener Pastures by S.A. Molteni
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hobby farmer is the term I learned from one of S. A. Molteni’s other books. That term makes me feel better about what I am about to do. As a vegetarian, moving to an acre and wanting chickens and goats, I feel like I am a betrayer either of ‘real’ farmers or of fellow vegetarians. I realize I am a newbie or ‘greenhorn’, but I am not going into this to kill animals, but rather to enjoy my space with them. Ms. Molteni shares how she cares so deeply for her cows, pigs, chickens, and other farm beasts. Her stories are so personal and yet open for others to wander through her worlds.

When I say worlds, it is how this book reflects the title I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Leaving High Tech for Greener Pastures. We meet her in her high-pressure job, ride with her as illness takes her elders, then how she and her husband live the farm life. Maybe that doesn’t sound all that great to others but I know I felt a lot better the last time I lived as a hobby farmer. There is a great peace living with and caring for animals and they give so much back. Ms. Molteni illustrates this peace and adventure that happens with the furry and feathered friends.

This particular book has some of the stories I have read in her other books but rather than skipping over them I enjoyed the stories again. They are stories that are good for your soul. By the way, this one is only $.99 and I think for a little peaceful time it is well worth it.

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Source: The Scriptorium Daily

Source: Dar49 Daily


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