Archive for February 5, 2016

Medicine (Anthropology) Evidence the use of prosthetics is nothing new in a discovery in China from 2,200 years ago. Tips (Cats) 26 tips on making your cat’s life easier…and yours as we…

Source: 5 Interesting Links for 02-05-2016 | Tales to Tide You Over

Source: The Scriptorium Daily

Source: Dar49 Daily

Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)Return of the Matka-Zem by Deborah Chanley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sci-fi/fantasy Yay! Okay, no space-travel or space-wars. Oh yeah, that’s what makes this more real than male sci-fi. But this author didn’t waste time showing her research about science. You see, in the sci-fi realm, without the science, life on other planets, or those same lives on our Earth has to take on the label: fantasy. But that becomes the problem doesn’t it. If we added in all that extra research and boring science facts that the main male sci-fi authors put in, we lose story. And this was full of story!

Oh, a bit about the title. Return of anything sounds like it should be a sequel of something. But you’ll get it as you start to read the story.

I was able to get the Audible version to read along with my Kindle edition. Steven Barnett (Narrator) was great! I usually can’t stand listening to stories whose main characters are female read by a man. Not that they can’t tell a great tale but as they project female voices they sound comical. That usually takes me right out of the story. But Steven Barnett grew on me. I soon could see how many voices he was able to act out and keep separate. And after my initial giggle of his Matka-Zem, Valencia, I found he was able to portray this young woman in all her flaws and strengths. Great job!

I love the characters in this story. There are the Matka-Zem and her romantic body guard and then, once they hit San Francisco, we get the human, Donna. I love her! She helps the humans who are reading the story to ask the questions and get the answers the aliens wouldn’t have thought of. She is delightful. And she has my biggest flaw: constant talking. I love her the most! We are so glad she is along when the get to the Matka-Zem’s planet. She steps up and show her strength when needed.

If you get the chance, this is a fun book to read. I can’t wait for the next in the series as I want more of these characters and strange new worlds!

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