Wild Shores (First Responders, #5)Wild Shores by Radclyffe

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I was lucky to receive this Kindle book for free from NetGalley.com for an honest review. Thank you.

Yes, thank you. Radclyffe’s books have been on my wishlist of books for a long, long time. I have heard many good things about her writing. What has stopped me is the price. Most of her books are way above my budget for books.

What I liked best about this book is what I like best about any book: I felt educated. Okay, I’m into taking ecological steps, and anti-oil, and want to take aggressive steps to become self-sufficient on clean renewable energy. And if you are able to include preserving wildlife I’m in hook, line, and sinker. Okay, not the best way to say that. Let’s leave that metaphor for just, I loved it. Could there had been more on these two subjects? Maybe but we have to remember that it was about these two people who met and fell madly for each other.

Which brings up the romance. If you read a lot of my reviews, you know I am not a romance fan. Mostly I hate the angsty stuff about does he/she love me will they think I’m stupid, how can I live without him/her. Ugh! But I think Radclyffe did a nice job on this though it felt a little formulaic. Then there is the erotic nature of a love story. This one went there a little but not enough to get icky. I knew going in this is a lesbian book but as with other Radclyffe’s books that IS the theme. And she handles her characters with love and respect. Each character very well developed as was the story line. It kept me reading. I didn’t want to quit until I knew I’d reached that solid ending. And I came away wanting to see the relationship growing. What could happen next? I don’t know if there is a sequel in the works. It isn’t needed. Just wanted.

Thanks, again, for letting me read this book.

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