Archive for February 7, 2017

Dreams Before the Start of TimeDreams Before the Start of Time by Anne Charnock

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I received this book free of charge from NetGalley.

This story called to me. It is labeled as sci-fi. But mostly it seems a good excuse to do character development stories. It was for that that I kept reading and actually finished the book. In fact, as I was listening and suddenly it was the Acknowledgements. I don’t know what the ending was.

The other thing about the book was it was presenting the idea that shows results of natural pregnancy versus choosing a child gestated out of the womb. Then the story follows the parents and children and grandchildren of these differing beginnings.

But I never got to know anyone enough to care. After just having read something similar and not finishing it, I found myself trying not to give in and toss the book. But I got through it and I am left feeling I wasted time. I know I won’t remember this book. I am only giving 3 stars because I finished. So I guess the stars are for me. Not the book. I am so sorry to feel this way about it. I hope others love the book and maybe I will go back someday and find it wonderful.

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Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water…



See the buried gas can?


Front porch


Front steps and where the ladder bridged that small stream.


Should have gotten out the ruler–I think it is about 3″ just since 4 AM.


So that was our wake up this morning. Kali loved it no need to carry her over the water. She ran around making trenches before settling on a new spot. Brother managed to get to work but came home within a couple hours.

As pretty as it was this morning, the wind is back with a vengeance. Clouds in the west are heading this way… probably rain. My rainboots come tomorrow–if the UPS guy can get over the coming creek!


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