
Sometimes you are sitting there minding your own business when someone says they like you.




I’m so excited I can hardly sit still!

I learned about TINK (or Killer as he wants to be called–I think he’s a he–my nose is good but I can’t seem to pull TINK into nose range). They have a 4-legses meet and greet and tell about another one.


Yeah, this looks like the same picture as the one before but I was so astounded by the news it was hard for MommaDar to get a steady picture. Anyway, the other meet and greet was set up by a 2-legses doctor. But that’s okay, she loves 4-legses!


This was supposed to be a picture of the rain and snow I had to deal with on our last “outside” but it wasn’t coming down hard enough to show, so another me! I sure am pretty! And I love when MommaDar whispers sweet nothings in my ear! Especially if life is going to be only ‘inside’ for a few days. I don’t like the river at the bottom of my steps. MommaDar says there is nothing she can do to stop this wet weather. Not sure I believe her.

Anyway, glad to meet other bloggers, even if they’re doggers–Kali the poet!