Archive for February 21, 2017



When you cut something with scissors, do you move your jaw (as if you were about to chew)?

I don’t think so. But along those same lines, I nearly always find myself smiling when I post a smiley face. 🙂 Does that happen to anyone else?

Do you chew your pens and pencils?

I did in grade school. Don’t know why I stopped. It may have been teasing along the lines of getting lead poisoning. Yes, I was/am rather gullible. I remember those pencils that looked like a beaver had gotten a hold on them, just below the perfectly intact eraser. I learned to do it lower so as to make two pencils out of one. And yes, I know now that that stuff is graphite. But I still don’t put them in my mouth anymore. I think I became a germaphobe.


Are you a collector of anything?  If so what?

Suddenly, YARN!  But dragons, sheet music and instruments. Oh, looms!


By the way, I finished two of these projects. Still working on the blue scarf for my brother for his birthday tomorrow–YIKES! I need to get finished! I have about 14 looms now and usually have two to five projects going at once. Oh! Books! I used to have thousands of tree books, but with moving and needing more space that got widdled down to two shelves and the need for two more. BUT I have about 8K Kindle books. With my bad tracking and focus, I found I do better reading with text-to-speech on. Tree books never had that for me.

What size is your bed? 

Twin. But with three pets taking it over I need a bigger one! Hubby sleeps in a recliner for his apnea. With his broken shoulder and arthritis, he needs this space that is safe from a flailing spouse. Yes, with my fibro I can flip flop all night long. Only the dog has learned to stay with me and not get hurt.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

We have found a good space with our lives. There is always too much food–brother works at a produce store. He finally has a car to drive the 8-mile round-trip to work and an occasional errand. Can’t wait for things to dry and get warmer as we plan to explore our Oregon Outback. So last week falls into that. And my friends and I are learning how to connect on Google Hang-outs so I don’t miss them nearly as much.

Can I hope for Spring? I want to start going outside but the wind is so awful and cold and snow seems to be in the forecast. So I look forward to seeing my friends on the Hang-Out.

Share Your World is brought to your by Cee’s Photography. Check out her web page and join us in the fun!


Greenglass HouseGreenglass House by Kate Milford

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Please check out my friend, Cheryl’s, review on this book as it was what prompted me to go find this at my public e-library.…

That is by far a better-written review than I expect to write today. Fibro has me in its grips so I barely have a brain.

Even so, here are my thoughts. I loved that the parents were a part of this story and adventures still happened. I loved the mixture of very fantasy games and real (though fantasy) life. The book kept me wondering what was happening, what would happen next, how could they solve this or that problem. And I loved the vocabulary, invented or real there was a stretch for the reader to work on. I even had to stop the text-to-speech for a moment to highlight a word or two that were easily found in the online dictionary. (Oh, what a modern miracle that I don’t have to pick up a tome of a book to find a word that sends me on a dictionary search for hours! Online dictionaries start with the most logical definitions and don’t stop the story for long.)

I do want to warn the parents of the future readers to read this first themselves. I can see that an inn that is there for thieves and other not-so-law-abiding customers might not be the greatest of settings. And there is a bit of danger for the family involved that the young reader might need their own guidance understanding. For that, I might recommend late middle grades or young adult. But adults will find this a delight and just as exciting as a child reader.

Now I miss the characters and the story. It ended very nicely, yet I wish we could go back and visit again sometime. I couldn’t sleep after finishing last night. It left me wondering about how this author did that. How did she pull me in so thoroughly? Great writing!

View all my reviews


Petualang Baru

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Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

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How Free is Free

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...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...

مجلة السلام الاكترونية


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Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.