
Here are the starts, continuings, and finishings of the day. Kind of a jumbled mess. Let’s see if I can sort this out.


This little guy is done. That string doesn’t belong to him.


This little guy still needs arms, a face, and a scarf to keep him warm. (the 2 is for how many rows into the arm I am.


Ribbing on the beginning of a purple hat. Haven’t decided what stitch for the body of the hat.


Middle of the basket weave rust hat. I am loving working with my oval loom.

On a different note (C#?), I am reading The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova. It is so intriguing that I had to keep my hands busy while listening. This was so inspiring that I had to run into my cold studio and play the piano for a while. I miss playing but that room is SO cold! Found out Kali either doesn’t like the piano (she doesn’t like noises, like cell phones, or computer, etc.) or it was too cold for her, too. The session was long enough to find that muscular memory could still get through a couple favorites. And my ear/eye heard a couple songs I had never played but felt the need, now, to learn to play them. Funny how time away from music makes me feel like I’m dying without it. Can’t wait for the room to get warmer so I can spend more time playing.

While leaving my studio I looked over at the trees. Yeah, the Christmas trees I couldn’t decide about before. Well, the lights don’t work anymore. So I have started the process of putting it all away. I will take the time to see if there is something I can do to fix the lights, otherwise, I will have to buy more by next year. This frees up the space for sofas. We really need sofas in that room for when family and friends come to visit. I know that within the month it will start getting warm enough to want to be in there more.
