Archive for March 10, 2017

Wow, Am I Tired!



Let’s see:

Dishes caught up–check




One slipper sock knitted–check


dog for walk–check

played piano–check

Comments caught up–check

New battery and adapter hooked up and working–check

Chatted on Google to friend–check

Two reviews–not yet oops–too tired tonight.

second slipper–starting as soon as I get off computer

blog– this is it. Too tired for creative pursuit. so–check.

Dar is out.


Dar:  This is so great! I just had to reblog. These were my comments on Cee’s site:

I thought the 11:11 one was only one my friends and I shared. I was so glad to find it. As for the straw wrappers… The manufacturers of late make it difficult to take the wrapper off. It is so tight. But I used to us the wrapper for decisions. This guy or that? Should I ask for this or that? This name of baby or that? Should I stay or go? Any either or. But now I end up ripping the wrapper trying to get it off the straw. Thanks for sharing. I learned some new ones!



Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Wish.  ENJOY. Below my photo gallery, you will find 21 things you can make wishes with. Click on photo to …

Source: Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Wish – Cee’s Photography

I commented on Cee’s site: This is so great I plan to reblog. I thought the 11:11 one was only one my friends and I shared. I was so glad to find it. As for the straw wrappers… The manufacturers of late make it difficult to take the wrapper off. It is so tight. But I used to us the wrapper for decisions. This guy or that? Should I ask for this or that? This name of baby or that? Should I stay or go? Any either or. But now I end up ripping the wrapper trying to get it off the straw. Thanks for sharing. I learned some new ones!

Cee's Photo Challenges

Here is my entry for this week’s Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Wish.  ENJOY.

Below my photo gallery, you will find 21 things you can make wishes with.

Click on photo to enlarge.  Thanks.

Wishbone. I don’t know about your family, but in mine everybody wanted the wishbone. After the turkey has been fully dismantled, the wishbone is set aside to dry. Later, two people take one prong and pull until it snaps. Whoever is holding the prong with the top still connected is gonna get their wish.

Straw Wrappers. This is similar to the wishbone. Remove the paper from the straw and tie a knot in it. One person pulls at each end until the paper tears, and whoever has the knot gets their wish.

Eyelashes. If an eyelash falls out accidentally (don’t pull it!), put it on the back of…

View original post 866 more words

I feel so proud that I have written in this blog every day since the New Year. So I had to make sure I tossed on in here. Okay, so technically it is no longer Thursday, but since this is the end of a very busy day, 12:15 still counts as my Thursday.

This was a unique day in that it was just me and the three furries. Hubby and brother off doing their things. So I caught up on laundry and cleaning this and that. Started some slippers. Then popped myself in the studio and got reacquainted with Moonlight Sonata. Though I could see the spiderwebs of lack of playing the muscular memory held it’s own and it sounded like Music was nearby. As warm is beginning to happen, I expect to be in there more and clear out the webs in my brain and enjoy the process.

I had hoped by now to be outside taking walks with Kali but the wind is still too fierce for me to try. What is that about March’s lions and lambs?

So, that’s all there is and Kali says it’s time to close the computer. She’s pretending to be asleep but her little eye keeps opening.



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