Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

Oh, that would be silly! On the other hand, I think it makes the idiot button thinks there is a crowd waiting to cross the street. That or it gives me something to do when looking at all that traffic.

Do you plan out things usually or do you do them more spontaneous (for example if you are visiting a big city you don’t know?)

Though I get a lot more done if I have a plan, life is meant to be lived. And I have enjoyed many an adventure by the seat of my pants! Yep, I’m a pantzer that likes a bit of an outline.

Describe yourself in at least four uplifting words.

Curious, Escapest, Milliner, Musician, Artist, Friend

If you had a choice which would be your preference salt water beaches, fresh water lakes, ocean cruise, hot tub, ski resort or desert? 

Salt water beaches, ocean cruise, hot tub, desert. Though the order is reversed in my living it.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I am grateful that I received the battery and adapter for my HP! I am grateful for my mind still working. I’m glad to be learning three languages. I may not be perfect or be able to speak said languages, but I am having fun learning. I am glad my hands work and I can learn to make new things.

I’m looking forward to getting out to see the other Hugger Hat people. Keep your fingers crossed that we can figure out what to do with Kali who can’t be left at home alone.


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