
Share Your World is brought to us by Cee’s Photography. Go check it out and come and join the fun! I cheated this time and read Joey’s answers first. I love her blog and read it nearly every day. Please see what she’s been up to!


How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 

Oh, this is such a hard question to answer. My spirit is probably around 35-40. If my body let me do what I wanted I could probably give people of that age a run for their money. But I think I have aged 20 years in the last couple. I feel older than 90 in what I can do. Yet, I think having Kali around is helping me find my inner child. I think with the walks we’ll be taking this spring and summer I may find the ageless me again. By the way, here’s the latest: Kali listening to secrets and concentrating so hard while I give her kisses.


So, you’re on your way out and it’s raining. Do you know where your umbrella is or do you frantically search for it all over your apartment/house?

I know where all my umbrellas are. I used to like the rain in my hair. But now, with glasses, I like protecting my eyesight more than my hair. If only there were windshield wipers for glasses! I do have rain boots and I think Kali and I may just take a walk in the rain soon. But will I be able to hold the leash and the umbrella? Maybe I’ll leave my glasses at home so I can forgo the umbrella. As someone said on Joey’s site, that’s why we have hoods on our coats!

Do you recharge your energy by going out with friends for a good time or by spending with quiet time alone?

I do feel recharged when I spend time with my friends, either real life or on Google Hangout. I feel drained if I try to connect by phone. I can feel very drained if I have to go somewhere to be with them and there are other people. The more people the more drained. YET my spirit is happy no matter how I connect. On the other hand, I LOVE time alone. There are times when my hubby goes to town and my brother is at work and so I get to be alone. I get so much done. I get to watch favorite shows or read text-to-speech with no headset! Or nap, or go outside with the dog and just enjoy nature. I’m happy either way.

Name three things you and your spouse, partner or best friend  to have in common.

My BFFs and my hubby and I enjoy reading, writing, Doctor Who and other Sci-Fi shows. We are Geeks and proud of it! And my BFFs are now loving loom knitting! So fun! If only I could talk my hubby into trying it!

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I’m grateful for healing. I’m glad my hubby is feeling stronger. I’m grateful that I am feeling more energy and less pain. I’m grateful that Spring is here and the rain is here. That I can go outside without a coat and hat and bundled up. I love looking at the snow, but I hate having to go out in it. That cold makes me hurt. But Spring!!!!!

I am so looking forward to getting out and walking with Kali. It is going to be so fun. I am looking forward to coloring my hair–has it really been over 7 months? I don’t know if anyone else feels it makes me look better, but I always feel better once it’s done. I’m looking forward to feeling good enough to take the bus, with Kali and my new coccyx pillow. I think being prepared will help me weather the trip.