
Share Your World is brought to us by Cee’s Photography. Stop by her site and join the fun!

Does your first or middle name have any significance (or were you named after another family member)?

I was going to be named Georgeanne after my dad and grandfather. My grandmother changed my mother’s mind about that. I kind of always wanted to be called Georgy.

Music or silence while working? 

Noise. I get too involved with music and silence causes my ADD/pain issues way too many problems. So TV. I don’t have to be watching. It’s just noise. Distraction.

If you had a special place for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronics, people or animals), what would they be?

First of all, if it isn’t one of those things it is probably no special. Breath is in my lungs. Blood is in my heart, love holds it all together and universal.

The Never List: What are things you know you never will do?

The only thing that I think is an impossibility and thereby a ‘never’. I will never grow younger. But if you discover time-travel… I’ll take it back! You see, I don’t believe that people can say what they would never do as they haven’t been tested to that limit.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Grateful for people who care and give when they can. New to us sofa, so cool! I can’t tell you what I am expecting, except that it will be a wonderful week.