Archive for April 3, 2017

#AtoZChallenge– B

Bad Guy, Bullie, Bastard. No, not a political statement. Could be, but…

Coming up to yesterday, I looked forward to the Walking Dead season finale. Hubby stated the obvious wish, “Can’t wait to see the end of Negan!”

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From the first time I saw him on the show I’ve yelled, “Cut his ‘L’ vad wire!” Fans of Grey’s Anatomy will understand. What I just learned is: LVAD stands for Left Ventricular Assistance Device. Thank you, Google!

But I knew Negan would not be dead at the end of this show. Negan still hasn’t told us his story. How did he become so bad? How did he start his band of Negans? When in the face of such a bullie, how can the average person live positively and not become the same kind of bad? The writer in me knows that is necessary. AND who wants to lose Jeffrey Dean Morgan?

The best stories are those where we get to know characters deeply, even the bad guys.

Still, I cried at the Sasha Williams part. Sonequa Martin was amazing!!!! I will miss her.

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She is such a beauty and quite the actress!

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And she is one of the Badass Bitches of TWD!

The other two in this picture are Maggie Greene (Lauren Cohan) on the right and Michonne (Danai Gurira) in the middle. There are other strong fems in this show but these may be my favs.

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Sasha Badass Bitch to the end!!!!

Thank goodness for the Talking Dead that helps me heal after gruesome scenes.

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That’s Chris Hardwick. Love him @Nerdist and his mother @NerdistMom!

In case you didn’t notice, this was part of the A to Z Challenge 


Please come and join the fun!


What a perfect weekend this has been. Though there was too much wind, and I had too little energy to try a walk, I managed to hoe a little and rake a little and make a dent in getting the dried weeds away from one side of the back of the house. The rest of the day I was working on first sock and Andalusian hat and a new couple hats to help vary my hand motions. It is also nice to have some easy-peasies to finish quickly. That sock and the Andy hat are very slow for me. Sorry, no pics today.

A to Z challenge gets Sundays off. See ya again tomorrow!

Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!


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