Okay, Kali, the blog is yours!


You Serious? Bark, Bark, Listen up!

Wanna know my favorite place? It’s called OUTSIDE!

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Isn’t it GREAT?! I get to play out here a lot. MommaDar, Dad and Uncle David take turns making sure I’m safe out here. There are coyotes, hawks and bald eagles, they tell me so the people keep watch while I–well, you know.

The rest of my day?


I play hide the toys and bones in these two beds in MommaDar’s closet, or the one in the living room near the couch. Mom says it’s very funny to watch me, but I’m a survivor, I want to make sure there’s plenty to eat should times go bad.

But my favorite place?


That’s easy:

Laying my head on MommaDar’s leg.

Guess what! This Blog is about a Dog–Me! That starts with “D”


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