Funky Finish For FROGGING

As I have told you all before, most of my yarn is donated to the Hugger Hat group I belong to. There is a whole room dedicated to yarn in lots of bins all color segregated (the only time I approve of such a thing). I dig into this veritable Heaven finding the soft or the funky bits imagining things I can make with combinations. So much fun!

So … Sometimes the items take a turn for the FUNKY. I will probably frog. (Rip-it Rip-it) I need to explain the materials. There are no labels on a lot of the ‘skeins’ (because some of them are just a tangled mess and can’t be called skeins). This big mess was yarn that had balls of fur every six inches or so. I couldn’t imagine what a person really makes from it but thought it might make a warmish hat.

But there wasn’t quite enough. I pulled in some thick felty-looking yarn that didn’t quite go with the color of the fur-ball yarn. Then I found some yarn that looks like strips of fabric with a seam sewn in the middle. It had the brown of the fur-balls and a little of the orange of the felty-stuff. I used it to top the hat and put on the brim.

Without further ado…


Hubby thought it looked like a funnel cake. But I think he was being nice.

As I was making it–and it wasn’t easy!–I thought it looked like a pile of poop. (Not the letter of the day. I know, but there you have it!)

When I finished the top, I thought it looked like a volcano. But then I looked at it again and could only think of an orangutan in heat. By the time I finished the brim I was back at the volcano idea.

While it hasn’t been frogged yet, anyone else want a stab at naming it? Preferably with the letter of the day in mind. I will take it with me to show the group, but I can’t see anyone wanting it unless they need a funky fur basket or Halloween Hat?? It has been a laugh making it.



This was part of the A to Z Challenge, click on the badge above or below to go to learn more about it.
